호아킨 소로야(Joaquin Sollora), 스페인, 화가, 1863-1923
스페인의 인상주의 화가 '호아킨 소로야'의 대표작은 바다를 배경으로 한 그림들입니다. 자유로운 붓 터치와 경쾌한 색채로 여름의 풍경을 과감하게 표현했죠.
젊은 시절 사실주의 스타일로 그림을 그리던 소로야는, 프랑스에서 인상주의를 만난 이후 크게 감동을 받고, 빛의 효과가 두드러지는 자신만의 화풍을 만들기 시작했습니다.
그의 작품에는 16살 때부터 사귀어왔던 그의 아내와 딸이 자주 등장한답니다. 그리고 고향 발렌시아의 바닷바람과 지중해의 강렬한 태양이 생생하게 살아있죠.
물에 비친 햇빛이 유난히 눈부시고, 아이들의 팔에 남겨진 햇빛 그을린 자국은 지난여름의 흔적입니다.
About Him
Joaquín Sorolla was a Spanish painter best known for his depictions of Spanish culture, landscapes, and historical scenes. Working with rapidly applied confident brushstrokes and realistic tones, his paintings are reminiscent of both John Singer Sargent and Anders Zorn. Sorolla made both small oil sketches and large paintings such as Walk on the Beach (1909) en plein air. “I could not paint at all if I had to paint slowly. Every effect is so transient, it must be rapidly painted,” he once said. Born Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida on February 27, 1863 in Valencia, Spain, he began taking art classes at the age of 15. Three years later, he traveled to Madrid, where he copied works by Diego Velázquez housed in the Museo del Prado. Further study at the Spanish Academy in Rome, guided the young artist into painting the effects of sunlight with confidence. In 1909, he was commissioned to paint a portrait of the United States President William Howard Taft, and two years later he was the subject of two separate exhibitions in America. Sorolla died on August 10, 1923 in Madrid, Spain. Today, the artist’s works are held in the collections of the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Musée d’Orsay in Paris, and the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum, among others.
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