나탈리 살비에바(Natalie Salbieva), 이탈리아, 화가, 현재
아직은 많이 젊은 작가 '나탈리 살비에바'는 러시아와 캐나다에서 십여 년 이상씩 살다가, 지금은 영국 런던에서 활동을 하고 있습니다.
펜과 수채물감 등을 이용해 일상의 주변 모습을 그리고 있죠. 그녀는 패션을 좋아하는 일러스트레이터입니다.
About Her
"Paint the lily", as well as Polina, is my artist's nom de guerre. The use of one or the other solely depends on my mood :)
In the past, I studied classic animation, as well as took drawing and painting at The St. Petersburg State Academy of Fine Arts, Sculpture and Architecture - one of the finest and most renowned art school in Europe.
Currently residing in Toronto, Canada, I was taking John Viljoen's portraiture master classes, and am preparing for exhibitions.
I was very excited about recently opened opportunity for further studies at the famous art school of Ted Seth Jacobs commenced at a crossroads in the Loire Valley, France. However, Ted commented about my work: "There is something I don't understand. I hope you won't mind if I am totally honest. From what I saw on your site, you have developed your own strong style. May I ask, why do you want to study with me?" - that was the best endorsement for my work, so now I am taking on my own journey and invite you to join.
While portraiture is my cup of tea, right now I am working on mutual relation of colours and space. I try to highlight the depth of the space without resorting to the help of forms or shapes. Forms or shapes carry out only a piece in addition to the original view of the artist and just facilitates creation of colour surfaces. Energy of light, gracious lines and harmony of composition distinguish creation of the artist.
I want to see the viewer’s eyes running across my paintings being attracted to the radiant application of tones and colours. Pollock's "The painting has a life of its own - I try to let it come through" perfectly applies to my art. Do not consider it as an investment of your money - art never was, and never will be. It is rather an investment of your soul - something you will have and remember for life.
루이즈 아베마(Louise Abbéma), 프랑스, 화가, 1853-1927
루이즈 아베마(Louise Abbéma), 프랑스, 화가, 1853-1927프랑스의 인상주의 화가이자 조각가. 수채화를 많이 그렸으며 여인과 꽃을 소재로 한 그림을 좋아했습니다. 특별히 자주 등장하는 여인이 있는
안드레아 바루피(Andrea Baruffi), 이탈리아, 일러스트레이, 1949-현재
안드레아 바루피(Andrea Baruffi), 이탈리아, 일러스트레이, 1949-현재Baruffi는 1975년 University of Florence에서 건축학을 전공하고 2년 후 뉴욕으로 이사하여 The New York Times, Daily News, Newsweek, Time, Business Week,
황용위(Huang Yongyu, 黄永玉), 중국, 예술가, 1924-2023
황용위(Huang Yongyu, 黄永玉), 중국, 예술가, 1924-2023중국의 예술가 '황용위'는 100년 전 후난성의 가난한 집에서 태어났습니다. 독학으로 문학과 예술을 공부하여, 소설과 수필 등 문학 작품을 발표
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