루이즈 아베마(Louise Abbéma), 프랑스, 화가, 1853-1927
프랑스의 인상주의 화가이자 조각가. 수채화를 많이 그렸으며 여인과 꽃을 소재로 한 그림을 좋아했습니다. 특별히 자주 등장하는 여인이 있는데 배우 Sarah Bernhardt이며 1871년 그녀를 만난 이후 죽을 때까지 낭만적이고 예술적인 관계를 유지했습니다. 1878년 사라 베르나르의 옆모습 동메달(1875)을 전시했고 이것이 그녀의 유일한 조각품일만큼 둘의 관계는 각별했습니다.
그녀의 작품은 1874년부터 1926년까지 Salon des Artistes Français에 전시되었고, 1900년 파리 박람회에서는 청동 메달과 은메달을 수상했습니다. 콜롬비아 엑스포에서는 여성관에 전시될 정도로 인지도가 높았으며 프랑스 제3공화정의 공식화가라는 명예로운 지위에 올랐습니다.
About Her
Louise Abbéma was born to a wealthy aristocratic family with ties to Parisian artistic circles. She was the daughter of viscount Émile Abbéma, stationmaster of Étampes, and the great-granddaughter of Théâtre-Français actress Louise Contat and count Louis de Narbonne, who served as Minister of War under Louis XVI. She began to study painting with history painter Louis Devedeux (1820-1874) and later in the studios of Charles Chaplin (1825-1891), Jean-Jacques Henner (1829-1905) and Carolus-Duran (1837-1917).
Her works were exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Français from 1874 to 1926, where she was awarded an honourable mention in 1881, as well as a bronze medal and silver medal at the 1900 Paris Exposition. She also exhibited her works eight times at the Galerie Georges Petit and at the Woman’s Building of the World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893 in Chicago.
She met Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923) in 1871 and would maintain a long artistic and romantic relationship with the actor until her death. In 1876 L. Abbéma presented her Portrait de Mlle Sarah Bernhardt, sociétaire de la Comédie-Française, at the Salon. The painting was her first success, with the following review in the 1 May 1876 edition of The Times: “This isn’t merely a picture of the actress, but rather of the female artist in all of her glory.” In 1878 she exhibited a medallion of Sarah Bernhardt in profile (1875), to which Bernhardt responded with a marble bust of L. Abbéma (1878). The latter also depicted one of the soirées that the actress held in her conservatory in her canvas Le Déjeuner dans la serre [Lunch in the glasshouse, 1877]. L. Abbéma became an artistic figure in Parisian socialite circles through her contact with high society and the bourgeoisie, which commissioned works from her, such as the Parfums ceiling for the perfumer Guerlain, presented in 1896. Her studio also served as a salon where she entertained guests.
샤를 자크(Charles Jacque), 프랑스, 화가, 1813-1894
샤를 자크(Charles Jacque), 프랑스, 화가, 1813-189419세기에 프랑스 파리와 바르비종(Barbizon)을 중심으로 활동을 전개한 근대 풍경화가이다. 샤를 자크는 유화와 판화 분야에서 두루 뛰어났으며, 양 떼
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