빅토리아 볼(Victoria Ball), 영국, 프리랜서 작가, 1980-현재
영국의 프리랜서 작가 '빅토리아 볼'은 처음에 광활한 풍경과 넓은 하늘을 담은 추상 작품을 그리다가, 지금은 상업용 일러스트를 그리고 있습니다.
선명한 색상의 조화로 어린이 도서라든지 축하카드, 인쇄물, 잡지 등에 활용되는 활기찬 이미지를 만들어내고 있죠. 그녀의 작품에는 꽃과 새, 동물들이 주로 등장하며, 알록달록 동심 가득한 그림들이 무척 친근감을 주고 있습니다.
About Her
Victoria Ball is an artist and illustrator and lives in Frome. She began her training in painting and drawing at Cheltenham & Gloucester College of Higher Education in the late nineties and later studied at Falmouth College of Arts, Cornwall, gaining first class honours in Illustration.
Victoria has worked extensively in the field of illustration since 2002, producing artwork for books, television, ceramics and packaging. Her latest body of personal work explores her fascination with expansive landscapes and big skies. She draws inspiration from the shape of her local countryside and especially that of Gloucestershire and the Cotswolds, where she grew up, responding to this using colour and texture, often in an abstract way.
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