페피 메리시오(Pepi Merisio), 이탈리아, 사진가, 1931-2021
'페피 메리시오'는 이탈리아의 사진작가이며 포토 저널리스트입니다. 독학으로 사진을 공부한 후 잡지사에서 일하기 시작했고, 32살 때 교황 바오르 6세의 일상생활을 기록한 르포사진으로 유명해졌습니다. 이를 계기로 바티칸의 전속 사진작가처럼 일을 했으며, 100권이 넘는 사진집을 펴내기도 했죠.
꾸밈이 없는 그의 사진은 농촌 풍경과 50~80년대 향수를 불려일으키는 어린이 사진이 많습니다. 작가의 감정을 배제하고 솔직하고 정확한 이미지를 포착한 그의 프레임에는 진실된 이야기가 담겨있습니다.
About Him
Pepi Merisio, a photographer and photojournalist and one of the greatest Italian photographers of the 20th century, passed away in Bergamo, Italy, on February 3 at the age of 90. Giuseppe Merisio, known as Pepi, was born in Caravaggio in 1931 and had trained as a self-taught photographer, beginning to take pictures in 1947: having carved out a name for himself in amateur photography, he had then decided to make photography his job, and in 1956, at the age of twenty-five, he began to collaborate first with the Touring Club and then with various magazines, such as Camera, Look, Du, Famiglia Cristiana, Paris Match, and Realité. By 1963 he had begun working for Epoca, one of the most important Italian magazines for photography, and he became famous in 1964 when, in Epoca itself, he published a famous reportage entitled Una giornata col papa (A Day with the Pope), which documented the daily life of Paul VI: it was the beginning of a collaboration with the Vatican, so much so that he was even nicknamed “the photographer of Paul VI.”
In the meantime, while he was achieving ever greater success with his professional activity, Pepi Merisio had also undertaken research work that resulted, in 1969, in his first photographic work, Terra di Bergamo, an account in images of his homeland, with particular attention to the rural life of the Bergamo area, published in three volumes: the artist himself considered it his masterpiece, although he never stopped doing research and exhibitions throughout Italy afterwards. During his career, in fact, Pepi Merisio published about 150 photo books with publishers such as Electa, Zanichelli, Silvana, Atlantis, Contrasto, Orell Füssli, Bolis, Atlantis, Lyasis and many others. In 1979 he completed a black and white shoot for Polaroid, now housed at the Collection Polaroid International in Boston. Again, in 1982 the publishing house Fabbri included him in the series I grandi fotografi in 1988 he was named “Master of Italian Photography” by the Italian Federation of Photographic Associations FIAF and then, nine years later, he became the protagonist of a monograph in the series Grandi Autori made by the same association. In 1989 he represented Italy in the volume commemorating 75 years of Leica, and in 2011 he was invited to the 54th Venice Biennale.
Countless exhibitions have been dedicated to him. In 2019, the latest: Guardami at the Sestini Museum in Bergamo, curated by the photographer himself together with his son Luca, an anthological exhibition on his career, and at the same time, the exhibition Pepi Merisio. Il Gioco (held at the Tower of the Castello dei Vescovi di Luni in Castelnuovo Magra), conceived by Raffaella Ferrari, curated by Elisabetta Sacconi, and all centered on the theme of play. Several awards, including the New Talent of Popular Photography award and the Fermo Prize, both in 1963, which opened wide the doors of success for him, the National Italian Photojournalist Award in 1964, and the Genoa International Photojournalism Award in 1965.
“With the passing of Pepi Merisio,” said Giorgio Gori, mayor of Bergamo, "Bergamo loses an artist of international stature, who was in love with his territory and the people of Bergamo. His photographs recounted our landscape, the life of rural communities and the changes that passed through them during the 20th century. Just recently, Bergamo wanted to honor the great photographer: with the Guardami exhibition, set up in 2019 in the spaces of the Sestini Museum of Photography at the Cloister of San Francesco, curated by the Bergamo in History Foundation, and with the civic merit that we had decided to award him at the end of last year, and which unfortunately I did not have the chance to give him due to anti-Covid restrictions. His snapshots, kept in the very archive of the Museum of Photography, represent a piece of our history and our life’.
이중섭, 한국, 화가, 1961-1956
이중섭, 한국, 화가, 1961-19567월의 첫째 날에 화가 '이중섭'의 가족을 만나봅니다. 금수저 출신의 大鄕 '이중섭'은 유학시절에 미술부 후배인 '야마모토 마사코'와 사귀었습니다. 1945년 원산에서
쑤안 록 쑤안(Xuan Loc Xuan), 베트남, 일러스트레이터, 1989-현재
쑤안 록 쑤안(Xuan Loc Xuan), 베트남, 일러스트레이터, 1989-현재은 미니멀하면서도 복잡한 구성으로 유명한 베트남 프리랜서 일러스트레이터입니다. 호치민시에 기반을 둔 Xuan은 전통 도구와 디지
프란스 랜팅(Frans Lanting), 네덜란드, 사진가, 1951-현재
프란스 랜팅(Frans Lanting), 네덜란드, 사진가, 1951-현재5월 16일부터 7월 31일까지 '프란스 랜팅: 디어 포나' 사진전 서울 종로구 혜화동 JCC아트센터. 기후변화센터가 주최하고 플랫폼 C가 주관한다
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