프란스 랜팅(Frans Lanting), 네덜란드, 사진가, 1951-현재
5월 16일부터 7월 31일까지 '프란스 랜팅: 디어 포나' 사진전 서울 종로구 혜화동 JCC아트센터. 기후변화센터가 주최하고 플랫폼 C가 주관한다. 70여 점. 아시아 최대 전시회
네덜란드의 내셔널 지오그래픽 사진작가, 작가.내셔널지오그래픽을 대표하는 야생사진의 거장. 내셔널지오그래픽은 그를 두고 '과학자의 머리와 사냥꾼의 심장, 시인의 눈'을 가진 사진작가란 찬사를 보낸 바 있다. 영국 BBC가 선정한 "가장 위대한 야생사진작가"로 한국에도 이름이 잘 알려져 있다.
About Him
FRANS LANTING has been hailed as one of the great photographers of our time. His influential work appears in books, magazines and exhibitions around the world. For more than three decades he has documented wildlife from the Amazon to Antarctica to promote understanding about the Earth and its natural history through images that convey a passion for nature and a sense of wonder about our living planet. Lanting’s work has been commissioned frequently by National Geographic, where he served as a Photographer-in-Residence.
In 2006, Lanting and his wife and partner, Christine Eckstrom, launched The LIFE Project, a lyrical interpretation of the history of life on Earth, as a book, an exhibition, an interactive website, and a multimedia orchestral performance with music by Philip Glass. The LIFE symphony premiered in Santa Cruz in 2006 and went on to tour North America and Europe. Lanting’s books have received awards and acclaim:
“No one turns animals into art more completely than Frans Lanting,” wrote The New Yorker. His books include LIFE: A Journey Through Time, Jungles, Penguin, Living Planet, Eye to Eye, Bonobo, Okavango: Africa’s Last Eden, Forgotten Edens, and Madagascar, A World Out of Time. Lanting has been honored as a fellow of the Royal Geographic Society in London and is a recipient of Sweden’s Lennart Nilsson Award. In 2001, H.R.H. Prince Bernhard inducted him as a Knight in the Royal Order of the Golden Ark, the Netherlands’ highest conservation honor, and in 2012, he was appointed as an Ambassador for World Wildlife Fund Netherlands. He has also received top honors from World Press Photo, the title of BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year, and the Sierra Club’s Ansel Adams Award. A native of the Netherlands, Lanting received a master’s degree in economics from Erasmus University in Rotterdam and studied environmental planning at the University of California-Santa Cruz, where he serves as a trustee of the Foundation Board.
한의종, 한국, 나무젓가락 화가, 현재
한의종, 한국, 나무젓가락 화가, 현재버려지는 나무젓가락과 골판지, 송판지 등을 이용해 제주 해녀의 질박하며 끈질긴 생명력을 표현하다. 인생 후반부 자신의 삶의 멘토로 설정한 제주 해녀
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