오노 바쿠후(大野麦風, Ohno Bakufu), 일본, 화가, 1888-1976
일본 도쿄에서 활동하던 '오노 바쿠후 大野麦風'는 화가이자 판화가입니다. 유럽 미술계에 큰 영향을 미쳤던 일본의 목판화 '우키요에 (浮世繪)'의 새로운 붐을 일으킨 작가 중 한 명입니다.
그는 특별 제작한 잠수함을 타고 바닷속 10m까지 들어가 자연 서식지의 많은 물고기를 스케치하였으며, '대일본어류화집 (大日本魚類画集)'이 유명합니다.
꽃이나 풍경 작품도 화려하며, 교토의 정원을 표현한 목판화도 색상과 디테일이 뛰어납니다.
About Him
Ohno Bakufu (大野麦風, 1888-1976) was born in Tokyo and worked primarily as a painter. He is best known for his work in the sosaku-hanga, or “creative prints,” movement in the early 20th century even though he published in the shin-hanga method as well. Bakufu studied under Ishii Hakutei, a leading figure in the movement, and later worked closely with Munakata Shiko.
Bakufu’s prints often featured scenes from everyday life, including landscapes, portraits, and still lifes. He was known for his use of bold, simplified forms and vivid colors, which he achieved through a combination of traditional woodblock printing techniques and his own innovations. Bakufu was particularly interested in the expressive potential of woodblock printing, and his work often incorporated elements of abstraction and distortion.
Bakufu was part of a group of artists who sought to challenge the dominant ukiyo-e tradition and create a new form of Japanese art that reflected the modern era. The sosaku-hanga movement emphasized the artist’s individual creative process and rejected the idea of prints as reproductions of existing works. Bakufu’s work embodied this ethos, as he often carved his own blocks and printed his own work, rather than relying on a workshop system.
Despite his contributions to the sosaku-hanga movement, Bakufu’s work was largely overlooked during his lifetime. It wasn’t until the 1950s and 60s, when interest in the movement was revived, that his prints gained recognition.
In addition to his work as an artist, Bakufu was also a teacher and mentor to a generation of younger artists. He taught at the Kyoto Municipal School of Arts and Crafts, where he influenced a number of students who went on to become prominent artists in their own right.
미셸 레만(Michele Lehmann), 스위스, 예술가, 1940-현재
미셸 레만(Michele Lehmann), 스위스, 예술가, 1940-현재스위스에서 태어난 '미셸 레만'은, 자라면서 그림을 공부한 적도 없었고, 예술가가 될 생각도 전혀 없었습니다. 30대 중반에 스페인의 어느 광장
후안 브루팔(Juan Brufal), 아르헨티나, 디지털 아티스트, 1973-현재
후안 브루팔(Juan Brufal), 아르헨티나, 디지털 아티스트, 1973-현재부에노스아이레스에서 태어난 디지털 아티스트.아르헨티나 마르 델 플라타에 거주하는 Brufal은 독학으로 10년 동안 예술 활동을 해
류재춘, 한국, 화가, 현재
류재춘, 한국, 화가, 현재류재춘은 오랫동안 한국화의 미학과 전통을 현대화하기 위해 노력한 작가다. 그는 미디어아트의 다양한 형식을 현대 한국화의 새로운 형식으로 과감하게 수용했다. 코
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