앵거스 윌슨(Angus Wilson), 스코틀랜드, 화가, 1970-현재
스코틀랜드 화가 '앵거스 윌슨'의 작품은 굵고 대담한 윤곽선과 강렬한 색상이 특징입니다.
대학에서 영상을 전공했던 그는 TV와 컴퓨터 게임, 애니메이션 등의 그래픽 분야에서 일을 하다가, 회화 작품이 점점 인정을 받게 되자 전업작가가 되기로 결정했답니다.
'내용보다는 가능한 가장 강한 색상 효과를 추구하라'는 마티스의 말에 공감하여, 현대적이고 드라마틱한 색상의 아이디어를 찾고 있는 작가입니다.
그가 그린 정물화와 풍경화는 마티스도, 세잔도, 고갱도 연상되는 작품들입니다.
About Him
1. Historical Influence
Angus’ work is immediately evocative of the masters of the past. He’s an expressionist in the purest sense, manipulating his subject in color and form to evoke his own interpretation and vision of the subject, blnding his imagination with the subject. There is a strong link in the work to the post-impressionist and artists such as Gaugin, Cezanne and Matisse. However on closer examination, elements of late expressionism and modernist abstraction can be witnessed. For example, his palettes are often bolder, the compositions more contemporary, and color planes presented flatter than the traditional post-impressionists.
Isaac Newton is quoted with “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” Angus has confidentially stood on such shoulders, and become a giant in his own rights. He has defined a style onto himself, an evolution of what’s come before presented in a way that is both evocative and fresh, reminiscent and new.\
2. Artist Influence
When people view my work they are struck by the bold strokes and strong use of color. Certainly my first response is to color and light, I then searches for ways to enhance this response.
Matisse was quoted as stating 'Seek the strongest color effect possible... the content is of no importance.' Within my work I find an uncanny resonance and empathy to these remarks. For it is not the subjects I respond to but their shapes and forms, and the emotions and drama that they produce. I'm drawn to subjects through nuance and often quite subtle lighting effects, however this is simply a starting point for my creative process. Though initially I work quite closely with my subject, I progressively move away from the source, choosing instead to focus on the canvas itself. A painting should stand alone, and be judged and appreciated on it's own merits; and there's nothing drearier than a faithful representation. By working on the canvas alone I can bring more of my vision, my emotions, and passion to the work. Thus, I become closer to my ideals.
Within my paintings I strive to create a singularly unique vision on the world. A projection of my feelings, and imagination on the subject, providing a distinctive voice that is unlike anything else. Every painter leaves their marks on the canvas, it's impossible to hide, whether with brush, pencil or knife, we can always see the artists mark and recognize the work with how they paint. This identifiability and the importance of 'having a style' is fundamental to me. I would feel I had failed unless my work is instantly recognizable and seen as distinctive and unique."
3. Biography
Angus Wilson was born and raised in Scotland and has lived in numerous cities throughout Britain. He has worked as a professional artist his entire career (25+ yrs), however his work has been varied and few would say his path to a fine art career was by a traditional route. Originally attending art college in the disciplines of photography, film, and animation, Angus then pursued a career in television and video, as well as the computer entertainment market. Angus worked as a director, producer, editor, and animator, winning international awards for his animation and for a number of his entertainment products. Throughout this period of his life, 'traditional painting' functioned as a sideline. However in 2004, with growing popularity in his work, Angus made the decision to pursue his fine art career full time. In lighter moments he jokes that his skills have 'regressed', from cutting edge multimillion dollar Computer graphic animation projects to merely pushing paint around a canvas!
The artists work is reminiscent of many great post-impressionists, such as Matisse and Cezanne, but there's also a contemporary underpinning that gives his work a powerful kick of originality justifying his growing success and loyal following.
In 2007 Angus relocated to the San Francisco Bay Area, he works mainly in oil and acrylic. He has and continues to be involved in numerous shows, displaying work internationally. His work is collected and held by museums, corporations and collectors worldwide.
미셸 레만(Michele Lehmann), 스위스, 예술가, 1940-현재
미셸 레만(Michele Lehmann), 스위스, 예술가, 1940-현재스위스에서 태어난 '미셸 레만'은, 자라면서 그림을 공부한 적도 없었고, 예술가가 될 생각도 전혀 없었습니다. 30대 중반에 스페인의 어느 광장
매기 푸이그(Magi Puig), 카탈로니아, 화가, 1966-현재
매기 푸이그(Magi Puig), 카탈로니아, 화가, 1966-현재카탈로니아의 인구 50명 작은 마을인 팔루에서 태어나 바르셀로나의 산조르디 대학에서 미술을 공부했다. 주로 스페인의 햇살 가득한 해변에
오스카 플로리아누스 블루므너(Oscar Florianus Bluemner), 미국, 화가, 1867-1938
오스카 플로리아누스 블루므너(Oscar Florianus Bluemner), 미국, 화가, 1867-19381892년 독일에서 미국으로 건너와 건축 경력을 이어갔다. 모더니즘 미술의 영향을 받아 점차 드로잉과 회화로 눈을 돌렸
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