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콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939

by 트렌디한 일반 상식 2025. 2. 19.

콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939


콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939


콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939

'콘스탄틴 코로빈'은 러시아의 대표적인 인상주의 화가입니다. 부유한 집안의 가족 사업보다는 미술과 연극에 관심이 많았던 그는, 모스크바의 예술학교에서 공부했으나 학교에서는 심한 꾸중만 받았죠.


20대 중반 파리를 여행하고 나서 이렇게 얘기했습니다.


"파리는 나에게 충격이었습니다.... 인상주의, 그들에게서 나는 모스크바에서 꾸중 들었던 모든 것을 발견했답니다."


그는 해마다 파리를 방문하면서, 몽마르트르 등 파리의 화려한 밤거리를 자신의 스타일로 그렸습니다. 파리에서는 저녁때 그림 그리는 것을 좋아했는데, 밤 풍경은 그가 좋아하는 연극을 떠 울리게 하고, 색상이 밤에 더 강렬하다고 생각했기 때문이죠.


훗날 그는 볼쇼이극장과 마린스키극장의 오페라 무대 디자이너로도 활동했습니다.

                                                                                                      About Him


Konstantin Alekseyevich Korovin (Russian: Константи́н Алексе́евич Коро́вин, first name often spelled Constantin; 5 December [O.S. 23 November] 1861 – 11 September 1939) was a leading Russian Impressionist painter.


Konstantin was born in Moscow to a merchant family officially registered as "peasants of Vladimir Gubernia". His father, Aleksey Mikhailovich Korovin, earned a university degree and was more interested in arts and music than in the family business established by Konstantin's grandfather. Konstantin's older brother Sergei Korovin was a notable realist painter. Konstantin's relative Illarion Pryanishnikov was also a prominent painter of the time and a teacher at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.


In 1875 Korovin entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, where he studied with Vasily Perov and Alexei Savrasov. His brother Sergei was already a student at the school. During their student years, the Korovins became friends with fellow students Valentin Serov and Isaac Levitan; Konstantin maintained these friendships throughout his life.


In 1881–1882, Korovin spent a year at the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, but returned disappointed to the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. He studied at the school under his new teacher Vasily Polenov until 1886.


In 1885 Korovin traveled to Paris and Spain. "Paris was a shock for me … Impressionists… in them I found everything I was scolded for back home in Moscow", he later wrote.


Polenov introduced Korovin to Savva Mamontov's Abramtsevo Circle: Viktor Vasnetsov, Apollinary Vasnetsov, Ilya Repin, Mark Antokolsky and others. The group's love for stylized Russian themes is reflected in Korovin's picture A Northern Idyll. In 1885 Korovin worked for Mamontov's opera house, designing the stage decor for Giuseppe Verdi's Aida, Léo Delibes' Lakmé and Georges Bizet's Carmen.


In 1888 Korovin traveled with Mamontov to Italy and Spain, where he produced the painting On the Balcony, Spanish Women Leonora and Ampara. Konstantin traveled within Russia, the Caucasus and Central Asia and exhibited with the Peredvizhniki. He painted in the Impressionist, and later in the Art Nouveau, styles.


In the 1890s Korovin became a member of the Mir iskusstva art group.


Korovin's subsequent works were strongly influenced by his travels to the north. In 1888 he was captivated by the stern northern landscapes seen in The Coast of Norway and the Northern Sea.


His second trip to the north, with Valentin Serov in 1894, coincided with the construction of the Northern Railway. Korovin painted a large number of landscapes: Norwegian Port, St. Triphon's Brook in Pechenga, Hammerfest: Aurora Borealis, The Coast at Murmansk and others. The paintings are built on a delicate web of shades of grey. The etude style of these works was typical for Korovin's art of the 1890s.


Using material from his trip, Korovin designed the Far North pavilion at the 1896 All Russia Exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod. He painted ten big canvasses for the pavilion as well, depicting various aspects of life in the northern and Arctic regions. After the closure of the Exhibition, the canvasses were eventually placed in the Yaroslavsky Rail Terminal in Moscow. In the 1960s, they were restored and transferred to the Tretyakov Gallery.



러스킨 스피어(Ruskin Spear), 영국, 화가, 1911-1990

러스킨 스피어(Ruskin Spear), 영국, 화가, 1911-1990영국의 '러스킨 스피어'는 종종 유머와 온화한 풍자 요소가 있는 그림을 그린 화가입니다. 어린 시절에 앓았던 소아마비 때문에 휠체어를 사용했기




쥘 셰레(Jules Chéret), 프랑스, 화가 1836-1932

쥘 셰레(Jules Chéret), 프랑스, 화가 1836-1932프랑스 화가 '쥘 셰레'는 '현대 포스터의 아버지'라 불리는 아티스트입니다. 가난하지만 창의적인 집안에서 태어난 그는 판화를 공부하고, 영국에서 포




조르주 뒤프레누아(Georges Dufrénoy), 프랑스, 화가, 1870-1943

조르주 뒤프레누아(Georges Dufrénoy), 프랑스, 화가, 1870-1943'조르주 뒤프레누아'는 도시 풍경을 주로 그린, 프랑스의 후기인상파 화가입니다. 그가 살았던 파리의 "보쥬 Vosges 광장"을 비롯하여, 퐁네


