론 로슨(Ron Lawson), 스코틀랜드, 화가, 현대 풍경화, 1960-현재
스코틀랜드의 시골 농장에서 자란 '론 로슨'은, 매우 독창적이고 독특한 현대 풍경화를 그리는 화가입니다.
16살 때부터 출판사의 미술파트에서 일하면서 오랜 기간 동안 자신의 작품 스타일을 개발했습니다. 그리고 시간 날 때마다 스코틀랜드의 고원지대와 오지를 탐험하며 관찰했죠. 나이 오십이 되던 해, 그는 출판사를 그만두고, 프로 아티스트가 되려고 마음먹었답니다.
모노크롬 스타일로 몇 가지의 소재에만 집중하는 그의 현대적 풍경화는, 스코틀랜드의 장엄함과 경이로움을 보여주고 있습니다. 그의 트레이드 마크가 된 회색빛 하늘의 작품에서, 지구 북쪽 어느 마을의 평온함과 고요함이 느껴지네요.
About Him
Based in Perthshire, Ron Lawson is widely regarded as Scotlands most original and distinctive contemporary landscape painter. His unique and instantly recognisable style has met with an extraordinary response throughout the UK and abroad, where his works of the Scottish Islands and the Highlands are enthusiastically collected.
Born in 1960, Ron spent his early years on a farm in Mid-Lothian, Scotland before a career took him to the art studio of publishers DC Thomson in Dundee, where he progressively developed the dynamic and highly individual palette and technique that is central to his work today.
With a passion for dramatic and sparsely populated locations, Ron has spent many years exploring and capturing the wild remoteness and majesty of the Outer Hebrides and Scottish Highlands.
In 2010, after 34 years, Ron left his career to concentrate his time fully on painting. His remarkable, contemporary Scottish landscapes appeal to an international audience, and are included in private collections worldwide. Ron exhibits regularly in Scotland, London and New York.
My love of drawing began at a young age. From 10 years old I would doodle on any piece of paper I could find. In my early teenage years I began to combine my enjoyment of both films and art by painting my own versions of cinema posters. From these I created a large portfolio which earned me a job at 16 years old in the art studio where I worked happily for the next 34 years.
'There are many artists I admire. I am impressed by Edwards Seago and his use of watercolour. I admire absolutely everything Sir James Guthrie did. I also hold the works of James Morrison in very high regard; I have one of his paintings in my studio and never tire of looking at it.
Before deciding to paint professionally most of my time would be spent training for marathons or cycling. These days I do not have much free time as I work best when I am totally focused. I very much look forward to getting back out on my bike, but serious (painful) cycling can wait a little longer as I now direct all my energy into painting'.
I thoroughly enjoy travelling all over the Highlands and Islands to capture the amazing landscapes that inspire my work. Whilst each place has its own unique quality, the opportunity to spend several days on St Kilda was truly wonderful. There is so much to see it is impossible to capture everything in one visit, so I enjoy returning regularly. I believe that in order to paint the subject I need to see and experience the places myself, and there are countless places I have yet to discover. I may even take my bicycle.
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