마크 샤갈(Marc Chagall), 러시아, 화가, 1887-1985
화가 '샤갈'은 1967년 뉴욕 MET오페라단이 공연한 모차르트의 오페라 "마술피리"를 위해, 자신 특유의 스타일로 포스터를 제작했습니다.
오페라 공연이 활발하던 19~20세기에 많은 화가들이 오페라 포스터를 그렸는데, 그 당시의 오페라 포스터들을 감상해 보세요.
1926년 초연된 푸치니 오페라 "투란도트"의 오리지널 포스터 이미지는 100년 가까운 지금까지도 사용되고 있답니다.
About Him
Marc Chagall was a Belarusian-born French artist whose work anticipated the dream-like imagery of Surrealism. Over the course of his career, Chagall developed the poetic, amorphous, and deeply personal visual language evident in paintings like I and the Village (1911). “When I am finishing a picture, I hold some God-made object up to it—a rock, a flower, the branch of a tree or my hand as a final test,” he said. “If the painting stands up beside a thing man cannot make, the painting is authentic. If there's a clash between the two, it's bad art.” Born Moishe Shagal on July 7, 1887 in Vitebsk, Russia (present-day Belarus) to a Hasidic Jewish family, the artist was raised immersed in Jewish culture and iconography.
Studying under the artist Yehuda Pen as a youth, the Judaic traditions and folklore of his hometown permeated Chagall’s paintings. After studying in St. Petersburg, the artist moved to Paris in 1910, where he quickly befriended members of the French avant-garde, including Robert Delaunay and Fernand Léger. Visiting Russia in 1914, the artist was prevented from returning to Paris due to the outbreak of World War I until 1926. In addition to his paintings, Chagall was also noted for his vibrant works in stained glass and lithography.
Forced to flee Paris during World War II, Chagall lived in the United States and traveled through to Israel before returning to France in 1948. The artist died in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France on March 28, 1985. Today, his works are held in the collections of The Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Tate Gallery in London, the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, and the Albertina in Vienna, among others.
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