스타니슬라프 아리스토프(Stanislav Aristov), 러시아, 사진작가, 현재
Pol Tergejst라고 알려진 러시아 사진작가 Stanislav Aristov는 불타는 성냥의 모습을 사진 찍고, 그 이미지들을 조합, 합성하여 새로운 작품들을 선보이고 있습니다. 그의 사진들을 보고 있으면 그 속에 물고기, 꽃, 사과, 요트, 백조 등 다양한 형태의 모습들이 존재합니다. 어두운 배경에 불꽃이라는 재료를 사용해서 그런지 신비로운 느낌도 드네요.
About Him: Stanislav Aristov
Stanislav Aristov is a Russian photographer from Ekaterinburg, also known as Pol Tergejst. Using his talent, perspicacity, and creative approach, Stanislav has made interesting series of art photos where you can see burned matches in a new light and another form.
Stanislav Aristov presents a whole new way of shocking through a snap shot. It only involves a couple of burnt match sticks. And loads of fun.
Admittedly, it also probably involves Photoshop. But nobody really cares. Stanislav Aristov, also known as Pol Tergejst, is a 30 year old photographer from Ekaterinburg, Russia, that can truly make macro – miracles happen, within the seconds needed for a match stick to quietly burn. He discribes his “Спички” ([spitch-kee] – meaning “matchsticks” in Russian) series as capturing “the big lives of the tiny wood splinters”. This again goes to prove that a true artist can find artistic potential even in the smallest and most commonplace objects around him.
So, next time you notice something as discarded as a burnt matchstick, think again. The devil truly is in the (macro) details of this world.
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