스테반 도하노스(Stevan Dohanos), 미술, 예술가, 1907-1994
미국의 일러스트레이터 '스테반 도하노스'는 1940~1950년대에 활발하게 활동한 예술가입니다. 그는 당시에 가장 널리 발행되던 주간지 'Saturday Evening POST'의 표지를 100점 이상 그렸습니다.
1940년대의 생활 모습이라든지 계절 풍경 등을 소재로 한 표지화에는 가족 사랑과 유머가 담겨 있습니다. 또한 2차 대전이 한창이던 1942년에는 '유언비어를 퍼뜨리지 말라'는 공공 포스터를 시리즈로 제작하기도 했습니다.
About Him
Stevan Dohanos, born May 18, 1907 in Lorain, Ohio, grew up as a great admirer of Norman Rockwell, going so far as to copy his Saturday Evening Post cover illustrations in crayon that he sold to friends, relatives, and co-workers. Little did Stevan know, he would develop a close personal friendship with Rockwell as his own art graced the Post’s cover 123 times over the course of his lifetime.
Dohanos was the third of nine children born to Hungarian immigrants Elizabeth and Andras Dohanos. His upbringing in a midwestern steel town would later influence the cultivation of his artistic style showing the normalcy and realism of American life. While inspired by Rockwell’s talent, Dohanos became an “American Realist” who depicted everyday life as it was. He was most heavily influenced by the work of Edward Hopper, and chose not to idealize American life the way Rockwell did.
Dohanos realized his love of art fairly early in life, selling calendars and illustration copies for $1.00 to $3.00 apiece while he worked in a grocery store and later at an office job. He began his formal education by taking correspondence classes through the International Correspondence School. Soon after, the artist took night classes at the Cleveland School of Art where he received a scholarship to complete his formal art studies.
During and after art school, the young Dohanos worked in a Cleveland advertising firm, then travelled around the country painting wall murals before heading to New York City to work as a commercial artist. He eventually moved to the artist colony of Westport, Connecticut where he found inspiration in the everyday lives of his neighbors.
While working in the city, Dohanos picked up advertising work from clients such as Four Roses Whiskey, Maxwell House Coffee, Pan Am Airlines, Cannon Towels, Olin Industries, and John Hancock Insurance. His work was featured in Esquire, Medical Times, McCall’s, and Colliers prior to his first successful submission to The Saturday Evening Post. In September of 1938, he married his longtime sweetheart, Margit Kovacs, and had two children, Peter and Paul.
His first Post cover, the March 7, 1942 issue, was a well-received wartime image of air raid searchlights from an artillery battery. Throughout the 1940s and 1950s, the artist’s workload for The Post increased, garnering a contract for roughly a dozen covers a year.
During World War II, Dohanos aided the war effort by painting recruitment posters and wall murals for federal buildings. He also designed stamps for the federal government, starting during the Roosevelt administration, and staying in the profession the rest of his life.
As magazine covers turned toward photography and away from illustration, Dohanos quickly changed careers. He did film art for such classics as White Christmas and was the chairman of the National Stamp Advisory Committee where he oversaw the art design for over 300 stamps. He held the position throughout the administrations of 7 presidents and 9 Postmaster Generals. His depictions include presidential portraits, the now collectible NATO commemorative stamps from 1959, and the 1967 John F. Kennedy commemorative stamp.
Stevan Dohanos found beauty in everyday life, choosing to focus on “the location and trappings of the American dream, not those who populated it.” Elevated to lofty status as a famous Saturday Evening Post illustrator, Dohanos’s works now adorn the walls, halls, and galleries of The Cleveland Museum, The New Britain Museum of American Art, The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Dartmouth College, The Whitney Museum of American Art, and various federal post offices across the United States. He died July 4th, 1994 at the age of 87, leaving behind his second wife Joan and their son, Anthony.
러스킨 스피어(Ruskin Spear), 영국, 화가, 1911-1990
러스킨 스피어(Ruskin Spear), 영국, 화가, 1911-1990영국의 '러스킨 스피어'는 종종 유머와 온화한 풍자 요소가 있는 그림을 그린 화가입니다. 어린 시절에 앓았던 소아마비 때문에 휠체어를 사용했기
다인 칼슨(Dines Carlsen), 미국, 화가, 1901-1966
다인 칼슨(Dines Carlsen), 미국, 화가, 1901-1966미국 뉴욕에서 태어난 '다인 칼슨'은 정물화로 유명한 화가입니다. 아주 오래된 놋쇠 그릇, 중국풍의 차 주전자, 도자기 등을 매우 고풍스럽고 정밀하게
루이지 루치오니(Luigi Lucioni), 미국, 화가, 1900-1988
루이지 루치오니(Luigi Lucioni), 미국, 화가, 1900-1988이탈리아에서 태어난 '루이지 루치아노'는 11살 때 미국으로 이민을 왔습니다. 낯선 미국 땅에서 정규 교육을 받지는 못했지만 회화는 물론 에칭
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