에드바르 뭉크(Edvard Munch), 노르웨이 표현주의 화가, 1863- 1944
화가 '뭉크 Munch (1863~1944)'는, 파리에서 그림을 팔아 고향으로 돌아온 1898년, 노르웨이의 작은 해안 마을 아스가르드스트란드에 처음으로 집을 샀습니다.
마을에는 바다의 항구로 이어지는 둑 난간이 있었는데, 저녁 무렵 이 다리를 산책하다가 고등학생 또래의 세 소녀를 만났죠. 영감이 떠오른 뭉크는 포즈를 부탁하여, "다리 위의 소녀"를 그렸답니다.
하양 빨강 초록의 옷을 입은 소녀들은 다리 아래를 내려보고 있으며, 왼편 멀리 지붕 위에는 '백야(白夜)의 달'이 떠있습니다. 이 이후로 뭉크는 72살이 될 때까지 36년 동안이나, 이 다리 위의 소녀와 여인들을 열두 가지 각각 다른 분위기의 작품으로 탄생시켰습니다.
그의 대표작 "절규 Scream"도 이 다리 위에서 하늘이 온통 붉게 물든 것을 보고, 죽음과 공포를 느껴 그린 것이죠. "절규" 역시 10여 년간에 걸쳐 여러 버전으로 그렸습니다.
About Him
A Norwegian born expressionist painter, Edvard Munch lived a tumultuous life, which was represented in his paintings. As a child, he was often ill in the winter, and kept out of school. To pass the time, he spent his days drawing. He also had a troubled childhood, as his mother died of tuberculosis after the birth of his youngest sister, and his favorite sister died of the same illness nine years later. His father was also a bit of a religious fanatic, who would read Edvard and his sisters ghost stories and the stories of Edgar Allen Poe. The vivid ghastly tales, combined with his poor health, the young Munch was plagued by nightmares and paranoid visions of death, which he would later incorporate into his artwork.
In his teens, he moved from drawing and dabbling with watercolors to painting with oils, and he only spent one year in technical college before he left to follow his dream of being a painter. His early paintings brought much unfavorable criticism, and his father rebuked him for his artworks, but continued to give him a living allowance. Later, unhappy with Munch’s paintings, he destroyed one of his nudes, and refused to grant him any more money for his art supplies.
Much live much of his life in a nihilistic, bohemian lifestyle, in which binge drinking and brawling were the favorite pastimes, to his father’s constant disapproval. After his father’s death, leaving the Munch family destitute, and Munch, feeling that everyone around him had died, was plagued by suicidal thoughts. His personal tragedies and psychological idiosyncrasies evolved into a symbolic art form that expressed more internal emotion and feeling than projected an image of outside reality. He often refused to sell his paintings, calling them his children, and so would create reproductions of them to sell.
His critical reception improved by the 1890’s, and the attendance to his exhibitions increased, although reviews remained bleak. In 1898, he began a relationship with Tulla Larsen, who wanted to get married. Munch, fearing marriage as much as sexual relationships, fled Tulla a year later. In a later reconciliation attempt, there was an argument in which a gun went off, injuring two of Munch’s fingers, and ruining Munch’s chance at marriage.
In 1908, Munch had an acute break with reality, seeing hallucinations and suffering feelings of persecution, as if he was on the brink of insanity. He began therapy, including a controlled diet and electrification, which stabilized his personality. Thus began his more financially and professionally successful phase in his life, where he received many commissions and was able to provide well for his family. He spent the last two decades of his life in relative isolation, painting at one of his many estates. Today his legacy, once smeared with rumors that he was a Nazi sympathizer, includes many robberies of his works, his prices at auction, and his face now being featured on the Norwegian currency.
페이스 링골드 (Faith Ringgold), 미국, 화가, 1930-2024
페이스 링골드 (Faith Ringgold), 미국, 화가, 1930-2024뉴욕의 할렘에서 태어난 '페이스 링골드'는 흑백인종문제와 성차별에 관한 메시지를 그녀의 작품을 통해 강렬하게 표현했습니다. 그녀의 대표작
유리 마지크 (Yuri Matsik), 우크라니아, 화가, 1956-현재
유리 마지크 (Yuri Matsik), 우크라니아, 화가, 1956-현재우크라이나의 화가 '유리 마지크'의 그림 속에는 빨간 코의 피에로가 살고 있습니다. 그 어릿광대는 무척 행복한 표정으로 희망과 사랑과 웃
이중섭, 한국, 화가, 1961-1956
이중섭, 한국, 화가, 1961-19567월의 첫째 날에 화가 '이중섭'의 가족을 만나봅니다. 금수저 출신의 大鄕 '이중섭'은 유학시절에 미술부 후배인 '야마모토 마사코'와 사귀었습니다. 1945년 원산에서
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