조르디 코알리티치(Jordi.Koalitic), 바로셀로나, 스페인, 사진작가, 1992-현재
Jordi Koalitic는 바르셀로나에 거주하는 사진작가로, 창의력이 필요한 독특한 사진을 만드는 것을 좋아합니다. 그래서 특별한 사진을 찍어 인스타에 올리고 있는데요,
그 덕분에 현재 600만명이 넘는 팔로워를 보유하고 있는 인플루언서가 되었습니다. 그가 공개하는 다양한 사진 꿀팁들을 확인해 보세요.
About Him
Jordi.Koalitic is a creative photography project born from the creative mind of the brothers Jordi and Arnau Puig, two content creators who have created their own style and way of understanding photography reaching millions of people around the world.
Over a period of more than 5 years, and before his online medical explosion, Jordi worked as a Freelancer before creating his own audiovisual production company with his brother Arnau. After the creation of their first Instagram account, the Puig brothers set up the foundations of their photography along with the feedback of the online trends.
Nowadays, Jordi Koalitic has the 2th biggest photography account worldwide on Instagram (+5.9 million followers) being the number 1 in terms of engagement. He also has the 6th biggest TikTok Spanish account (+19,9 million followers), 1.3 million followers in Facebook and 3 million subscribers and more than 1 billion views in his Youtube Channel.
The last viral phenomenon has been his Bili bili Channel, which has accumulated more than 1 million subscribers in less than one year.
His global audience has a middle age profile with high interest for the artistic and photographic content, with high engagement in all his social networks specially from the U.S, Europe and Asia.
Since July 2019 Jordi has worked with companies such as Lamborghini, BMW, AMG, Mercedes, Cupra, Meta, Nikon, Xiaomi, Sony, LG, DJI, Adobe, Red Bull, Adidas, Nike, Pepsi and many others. He had the chance to collaborate and work with artists and celebrities such as Will Smith, Jared Leto, Steve Aoki, Machine Gun Kelly, Pepe & Angela Aguilar, the F1 driver Nico Hülkenberg, and the F.C BARCELONA football team.
At the end of 2022, the prestigious Forbes magazine included Jordi Koalitic in its list of influencers of the year awarding him with the title “BEST INFLUENCER CREATIVITY 2022“, an award that reflects his outstanding artistic career and its undeniable impact on social networks.
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