존 싱어 사전트(John Singer Sargent), 미국, 화가, 1856-1925
19세기 후반 초상화의 대가로 이름 높았던 존 싱어 사전트는 미국국적이지만 주로 영국에서 활동했습니다.
전통적인 방식을 거부하고 새로운 방식으로 작품활동을 했던 '뒤랑'에게 배웠으며, 함께 뒤랑의 작업실에 있던 동료들에게 '가장 재능있는 동료'라는 평을 들었습니다.
다양한 기교와 강한 명암법, 스케치 없이 바로 캔버스에 그림을 그리는 방법에 능하며 수채화가 마이클 리어든이 화가생활을 시작하게 영감을 줄 정도로 강렬한 인상을 남겼습니다.
About Him
Sargent was born in Florence, the only son of an American surgeon, FitzWilliam Sargent. His childhood was spent touring Europe, mainly in Italy, France, Switzerland and Germany. He entered the Paris studio of Carolus-Duran in 1874, where he stayed as student and assistant until 1878. He visited America in 1876, and the following year exhibited his first portrait at the Paris Salon. He travelled to Spain and Morocco in 1879-80, and to Haarlem in 1880, where he copied works by Velasquez and Frans Hals. He lived in Paris until 1884, then settled in London in 1885 following the stormy reception of his Madame Gautreau at the 1884 Paris Salon.
Sargent exhibited at the Royal Academy and the Grosvenor Gallery from 1882, and with the New English Art Club, of which he was a founding member, from 1886. He held a one-man exhibition at the St Botolph Club, Boston, Massachusetts in 1888. He exhibited at Knoedler's, New York in 1909 and 1912. He was made an Associate of the Royal Academy in 1894, and a full member in 1897. His murals for the Boston Public Library were begun in 1891. He travelled widely in Europe, and visited the Holy Land in 1905-6.
Sargent's international reputation as a portraitist reached its peak in the 1890s and early 1900s, and he painted many of the distinguished personalities of his day, including the actress Dame Ellen Terry (Tate Gallery N02053), the art dealer Asher Wertheimer and his family (Tate Gallery N03705-13, T07104), Coventry Patmore and Henry James. Many of his clients were Americans: Roosevelt, Rockefeller, H.G. Marquand, and Lady Randolph Churchill.By 1910 he had given up all but the occasional portrait, devoting himself to landscapes and the murals at Boston.
His most important war picture, Gassed (1919), is in the Imperial War Museum, London. A retrospective exhibition was held at the Grand Central Art Galleries, New York, in 1924. Sargent died in London. He remained an American citizen throughout his life. Memorial exhibitions of his work were held in Boston in 1925, and at the Royal Academy, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York and Tate Gallery in 1926. Retrospective exhibitions have been held at the Whitney Museum, New York, 1986-7 and the Tate Gallery, 1998.
다리안 메데로스(Darian Mederos), 쿠바, 아티스트, 1992-현재
다리안 메데로스(Darian Mederos), 쿠바, 아티스트, 1992-현재쿠바 출신의 아티스트 '다리안 메데로스'가 붓으로 그린 극사실적 작품은 '뽁뽁이(Bubble Wrap)'로 포장한 것 같은 그림입니다. 인물을 표현
장 줄리앙(Jean Jullien), 프랑스, 그래픽 디자이너, 1983-현재
장 줄리앙(Jean Jullien), 프랑스, 그래픽 디자이너, 1983-현재프랑스의 일러스트레이터 '장 줄리앙'은 재치 있고 유머러스한 일러스트로 전 세계에서 인기를 끌고 있는 젊은 예술가입니다. 사람들 일
오귀스트 르누아르(Auguste Renoir), 프랑스, 화가, 1841-1919
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