클레어 앨런(Clare Allan), 영국, 판화가, 1966-현재
'클레어 앨런'은 대학에서 판화를 전공한 후, 유럽의 여러 나라에서 아티스트로 일하다가, 지금은 고향인 '뉴밀스 New Mills'로 돌아왔습니다.
영국 섬의 한가운데 더비셔주의 뉴밀스 마을엔 '스위즐스 Swizzels' 캔디공장이 있답니다. 겨울날 초저녁, 공장으로 가는 언덕길의 양쪽으로 눈 덮인 지붕들과 앙상한 나뭇가지들이 줄지어 있네요.
그녀는 이런 풍경을 아크릴과 목탄을 사용해서 서정적인 그림을 그렸습니다.
시골길을 따라 멋지게 펼쳐지는 구석구석 풍경을 조화롭게 담아내는 그녀의 작품에는, 자연의 아름다움과 그 동네 특유의 정감이 느껴집니다.
About Her
I am an artist printmaker from New Mills in the High Peak. I create etchings and charcoal landscapes and street scenes in a unique style, layering colour over black and white drawings. I use charcoal, rubber and rag on paper or canvas, then layer colour on my drawings with pastel or paint. I combine several viewpoints into one single composition (something which photography can't do, so commissions are completely original and unique).
I am a member of The Hot Bed Press Printmakers studio in Salford, and am currently working on a new series of etchings.
I work from my studio in the Peak District town of New Mills which overlooks the mountain Kinder Scout. My drawings capture the essence of a place, and the grit stone landscape and the industrial heritage of the area provides much of my inspiration. From mountain footpaths to city streets, my drawings depict every day scenes with warmth and wit.
During my Fine Art degree at Humberside University I specialised in printmaking. Working in the graphic tradition, I adopt the process of layering used in the craft of etching and screen printing. Specialising in large statement pieces, my originals are often 1m wide or larger. Landscapes on this scale give the feeling they could almost be stepped into.
Although I work from observation, I am not interested in making a literal representation of what I see. I often distort perspective and combine several viewpoints into one composition to describe a certain place, and how it feels to be there. Artistic license is used to get the most out of composition. For example commissions can include specific people, animals, buildings which are no longer there etc.
After graduating from Art School I spent some time travelling and working abroad before moving back to my home town of New Mills. I worked as a jobbing artist for over 20 years across many areas. I have painted murals in Holland, designed logos and created illustrations for the National Trust, and worked as a Community Artist in London and across the High Peak.
I run a weekly life drawing group, and have also taught drawing and painting techniques at several Art Groups. In 2018 I was an Artist in Residence at The International School of Zug and Luzern in Switzerland, and led drawing workshops in the stunning Lauterbrunnen Valley below the Swiss Alps.
I have work in private collections across the globe, and I have exhibited in Galleries in London, Holland and the North West. I have a large range of my work for sale in my shop. There is something for every budget from large original statement pieces to affordable limited edition fine art quality giclee paper prints. I also produce a range of fine art canvas prints. My fine art prints provide a quality seldom seen these days in mass produced photo style cheaper products.
엘리자베스 채플린(Elisabeth Chaplin), 프랑스, 화가, 1890-1982
엘리자베스 채플린(Elisabeth Chaplin), 프랑스, 화가, 1890-1982프랑스의 예술가 집안에서 태어난 '엘리자베스 채플린'은, 10살 때 가족과 함께 이탈리아로 이사를 갔습니다. 우피치미술관을 방문하고
렘브란트 하르먼손 반 레인(Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn), 바로크 시대, 화가, 1606-1669
렘브란트 하르먼손 반 레인(Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn), 바로크 시대, 화가, 1606-1669바로크 미술은 사실주의, 풍부하고 강렬한 색채, 극명하게 대조되는 빛과 그림자의 특징들로 구분된다. 빛의 화가
오귀스트 르누아르(Auguste Renoir), 프랑스, 화가, 1841-1919
오귀스트 르누아르(Auguste Renoir), 프랑스, 화가, 1841-1919넉넉지 않은 가정의 여섯 번째 아이로 자라면서 도자기와 부채, 가구에다 그림을 그리던 '르누아르 (1841~1919)'는, 인상파 전시회를 통해 자신
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