세실리아 파레데스(Cecilia Paredes), 페루, 리마, 순수예술가, 1950-현재
필라델피아 에 거주하는 페루 태생의 멀티미디어 아티스트. 주요 주제는 자연의 힘, 여성성 이주민. 그녀는 설치물에 자연 요소, 종종 재활용 폐기물 및 주로 유기 물질을 자주 활용한다. 그녀의 가장 잘 알려진 작품 중 하나는 그녀가 자신을 위장하고 자신의 모습을 보디 페인팅의 캔버스로 사용하는 "Paisajes"이다,
About Her
In every frame, Peruvian artist Cecilia Paredes is the subject—even when the sculptural creations appear as abstract concepts or when she recedes into the folds of the enveloping materials—her body remains ever-present.
Throughout her work, Paredes succeeds in transforming herself into an expression of her interiority. Her body, a blank canvas, serves as an empty vessel to reflect both her surroundings and her feelings. For example, in the first photo above, at a moment when she has almost completely disappeared into the folds and tendrils of a dark, damask fabric—her unmissable eyes draw us into the frame and give us an entry point through which we can engage, on a human level.
Artist’s Statement: Cecilia Paredes
Part of what makes us human is our ability to see beyond the narrow door through which we enter the world—to grow beyond the culture of our birth by recognizing other cultures, other patterns of life. Yet our birth culture is always imprinted upon us; the mystery of identity is never fully resolved. We are always from a time and place to which we can never return.
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