스테판 루키안(Stefan Luchian), 루마니아, 화가, 1868-1916
인물화와 정물화를 많이 그린 '스테판 루키안'은 후기인상주의와 상징주의 스타일의 루마니아 화가입니다. 뮌헨과 파리에서 공부를 마치고, 루마니아로 돌아와 전시회도 활발하게 열며, 자신의 화풍을 만들어가고 있었죠.
실력도 인정받고 사회적으로도 이름을 알리게 되었지만, 의외로 그림은 팔리지 않았습니다. 경제적으로 어려운 가운데, 30살 즈음부터는 '다발성 경화증'이라고 하는 불치병이 찾아왔습니다. 결국 몸이 마비된 그는 40살 무렵부터 평생을 집안의 의자에서 살아야 했습니다.
하지만 그는 좌절하지 않고, 손목에다 붓을 묶어서 꽃 그림에 집중했습니다. 드디어 상당한 성공을 거두자, 그를 질투하는 사람들에게서 '다른 사람이 대신 그린다'는 헛소문이 나돌기도 했답니다. 생이 얼마 남지 않았을때 그린 "머리 감겨주기" 작품에서는, 가족을 바라보는 화가의 다정한 시선이 느껴집니다.
About Him
Ștefan Luchian (Romanian pronunciation: [ʃteˈfan lukiˈan], last name also spelled Lukian; 1 February 1868 – 28 June 1916) was a Romanian painter, famous for his landscapes and still life works.
He was born in Ștefănești, a village of Botoșani County, as the son of Major Dumitru Luchian and of Elena Chiriacescu. The Luchian family moved to Bucharest in 1873 and his mother desired that he would follow his father's path and join the Military School. Instead, in 1885, Luchian joined the painting class at the Fine Arts School, where he was encouraged to pursue a career in art by Nicolae Grigorescu, whose work was to have a major effect on his entire creative life.
Starting in autumn of 1889 Luchian studied for two semesters at the Munich Fine Arts Academy, where he created copies of the works by Correggio and Rembrandt housed in the Kunstareal. After his return to Romania, he took part in the first exhibition of the Cercul Artistic art group.
He showed himself unable to accept the academic guidelines imposed by the Bavarian and Romanian schools. The following year, he left for Paris, where he studied at the Académie Julian, and, although taught by the academic artist William-Adolphe Bouguereau, became acquainted with impressionist works of art. Luchian's painting Ultima cursă de toamnă shows the influence of Édouard Manet and Edgar Degas, but also echoes of the Société des Artistes Indépendants, Modernism, and Post-impressionism (also obvious in works created after his return to Bucharest).
In 1896, together with Nicolae Vermont, Constantin Artachino, and the art collector, Alexandru Bogdan-Pitești, Stefan Luchian was one of the main founders of Bucharest's Salonul Independenţilor, which was opened in front of the official Salon (the Romanian equivalent of the Paris Salon). Two years later, the group led to the creation of Societatea Ileana and its press organ, Ileana, with Luchian as the original illustrator. From then on Luchian began integrating Symbolist elements in his work, taking inspiration from various related trends: Art Nouveau, Jugendstil and Mir iskusstva (see Symbolist movement in Romania).
In 1900, Luchian contributed two pastels to Romania's Pavilion at the World Fair, and in the same year suffered the first symptoms of multiple sclerosis, the disease which, after some initial improvements, was to haunt him for the rest of his life. Nonetheless, he continued painting and, until 1915, had his works displayed in numerous exhibitions, albeit to a largely indifferent public. At his 1905 exhibition, the only buyer of a painting was his former teacher Grigorescu. Despite being appreciated by a select few (including the writer Ion Luca Caragiale), Luchian lived in poverty (the large fortune he had inherited was progressively drained).
Paralysed from 1909, he had to live the rest of his life in an armchair. This did not prevent him from working on an entire series of landscapes and flowers. He had begun flower paintings earlier, but from 1908 he concentrated all his creative energy into the subject. Toward the end of his life, Luchian was no longer able to hold the painter's brush with his fingers, and was instead helped to tie it to his wrist in order to continue work.
찰리 레니 매킨토시(Charles Rennie Mackintosh), 영국, 화가, 1868-1928
찰리 레니 매킨토시(Charles Rennie Mackintosh), 영국, 화가, 1868-1928'찰스 레니 매킨토시'는 스코틀랜드의 건축가이며, 화가이며, 디자이너입니다. 글래스고에서 태어나 야간학교를 다니며 예술을 공
샐리 앤 피터(Sally Anne Fitter), 미국, 예술가, 1963-현재
샐리 앤 피터(Sally Anne Fitter), 미국, 예술가, 1963-현재미국 예술가 샐리 앤 피터(Sally Anne Fitter)는 1963년에 태어나 브리스톨 아트 스쿨(Bristol Art School)에서 도자기를 전공하고 우등 학위를 받았습니
포마(浦馬) 노경상, 한국, 화가, 현재
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