키무라 세츠(Setsu Kimura), 일본, 90대 할머니가 신문지로 만든 그림, 현재
간병하던 남편이 죽고 난 후 큰 상실감을 가졌던 일본의 한 할머니는 딸의 권유로 신문지를 이용한 그림을 만들게 됩니다. 그런데 한평생 미술과는 연관이 없는 삶을 살았던 할머니는 그림을 만들기 시작하면서 숨어있던 자신의 재능을 발견하게 됩니다.
첫 번째 꽃 이미지는 할머니가 처음 만든 작품이고, 두 번째 이미지는 최근 가장 심혈을 기울여 만든 브로콜리 작품입니다. 다른 작품들을 봐도 한눈에 재능이 보입니다. 그리고 더 놀라운 것은 이 모든 작품들이 시작한 지 단 2달 만에 이룬 결과들이라고 하네요. 늦게라도 자신의 재능을 알게 된 할머니는 요즘 하루하루가 너무 재밌다고 하십니다.
About Her
1. At 94, woman enthralls fans with elaborate paper collages
A 94-year-old artist of colored-paper collages is the talk of social media, where she has more than 120,000 followers for her realistic depictions. Setsu Kimura’s creations are photographically true to life, as can be seen in her detailed depiction of a rice bowl topped with a glossy raw egg and another representing fresh fruit.
The scraps she uses are taken from newspapers. Kimura, a resident of Nara Prefecture, creates her artworks by placing fine newspaper shreds on top of a rough, pencil-drawn sketch. She uses tweezers to tweak their placements. The task requires close attention as a faint wind could scatter the paper scraps.
Kimura began working on colored-paper collages four years ago. Her husband died in 2018, leaving her in low spirits. Concerned, her daughter Sachiko suggested she try making collages using colored paper.
That set everything in motion. Kimura was initially less than enthusiastic, believing she was not good at pictorial art. But she began turning to other people’s art as references to teach herself the art. Praise from Sachiko and a granddaughter pleased Kimura so much that she ended up seriously involved in the art. She vastly improved and began making more and more.
“A broccoli,” a 2019 collage, is one of her favorites. She paid particular attention to the rendering of the buds on the vegetable’s head. Kimura selected green newspaper shreds that once depicted mountains from a basket of scraps she had kept. But she felt that still left something to be desired. She wanted her creations to look more delicious, so she applied bluish and reddish scraps to complete it, which ended up being the first piece she said she felt satisfied with.
2. Social media love
Kimura’s masterpieces have been published on her personal Twitter (now known as X) and Instagram accounts, which are run by Sachiko and the granddaughter.
The works are photographically real, but zooming in on the screen will show traces of newspaper letters here and there. The accounts have a combined total of more than 120,000 followers. Each new picture posted draws immediate feedback, such as “likes” and a flood of comments.
Kimura said that encourages and motivates her to make new creations. “I am so grateful people like what I am doing, which was initially just an old woman’s pastime,” she said. Kimura has been collecting the scraps from the newspapers she reads every day. She likes the pages that carry images of tasty-looking dishes the best.
Kimura has so far issued two collections and one book of postcards, all from the Satoyamasha publishing house. She has also given one-woman shows across Japan, which have drawn a host of fans. Encouraged by all the messages she receives from her fans, Kimura said she will continue working hard on her collages.
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