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피터 슈라이어(Peter Scheryer), 독일, 디자이너, 1953-현재

by 트렌디한 일반 상식 2024. 9. 22.

피터 슈라이어(Peter Scheryer), 독일, 디자이너, 1953-현재
피터 슈라이어(Peter Scheryer), 독일, 디자이너, 1953-현재
피터 슈라이어(Peter Scheryer), 독일, 디자이너, 1953-현재
피터 슈라이어(Peter Scheryer), 독일, 디자이너, 1953-현재
피터 슈라이어(Peter Scheryer), 독일, 디자이너, 1953-현재
피터 슈라이어(Peter Scheryer), 독일, 디자이너, 1953-현재
피터 슈라이어(Peter Scheryer), 독일, 디자이너, 1953-현재
피터 슈라이어(Peter Scheryer), 독일, 디자이너, 1953-현재


피터 슈라이어(Peter Scheryer), 독일, 디자이너, 1953-현재
피터 슈라이어(Peter Scheryer), 독일, 디자이너, 1953-현재
피터 슈라이어(Peter Scheryer), 독일, 디자이너, 1953-현재
피터 슈라이어(Peter Scheryer), 독일, 디자이너, 1953-현재


피터 슈라이어(Peter Scheryer), 독일, 디자이너, 1953-현재

독일에서 산업디자인을 공부한 디자이너, '피터 슈라이어'는 세계적으로 손꼽히는 자동차 디자이너입니다. 그의 대표작은 아우디 TT와 폭스바겐, 뉴비틀, 골프 4 등등.


어린 시절, 비행기와 자동차를 좋아했으며, 화가였던 할아버지의 작업실에서 직접 모형을 구상하고 디자인하고 만들기도 했답니다.


어른이 되어서도 비행기를 소재로 여러 가지 그림을 그렸답니다. 어릴 적 경험과 예술적 감성은 결국 그를 자동차 디자이너의 길로 이끌었으며, 최근에는 기아자동차 "K시리즈"를 탄생시키기도 했죠.


그는 2006년부터 기아자동차에 조인하여 히트작을 만들어내고 있으며, 현재도 현대기아자동차그룹의 디자인경영담당 사장 (CDO)을 맡고 있습니다.


                                                                                                   About Him


Peter Schreyer features in a beautiful new book about his life and legacy as one of the most influential figures in the field which is published by gestalten. As President and Head of Design Management of Hyundai Motor Group, Schreyer’s design shaped Hyundai and Kia as brands and gave each company a distinctive identity. The development of this inspiring design identity led to their transformation and the development of Genesis as the third automotive brand of the Group. Some of Peter Schreyer’s notable accomplishments in automotive design include the Volkswagen Golf IV, Volkswagen New Beetle, Audi TT, Kia Stinger, and Hyundai NEXO. 


"Peter Schreyer is not only an outstanding designer, but also someone capable of inspiring strong emotions ," said Euisun Chung, Executive Chair of Hyundai Motor Group. "I believe his story, whose life transcends the barriers of the Eastern and Western worlds with his unwavering philosophy, will be a motivation to all."


Peter Schreyer: from humble beginnings to leading car designer

Born in 1953 in Bad Reichenhall, Germany, Peter Schreyer showed an interest in art from an early age. After studying industrial design at the Munich University of Applied Sciences and transportation design at the Royal College of Art in London, he went on to work for Audi as well as the Volkswagen Group, at various positions, for more than 25 years.


In 2006, Schreyer received a fateful phone call with an offer to join Kia Motors Corporation. Drawn in by the rare opportunity to build up a design direction from scratch, he accepted and became Chief Design Officer for Kia. Schreyer was the first person to bring a strong design direction to the brand, and he developed a brand strategy that later turned into a manifesto. He was instrumental in transforming both Hyundai and Kia to design driven brands.


"Working in Korea has been a very rewarding experience for me. During my time here, I have learned a lot about myself, about my roots, about the people I was privileged to meet, and about the unique relationship between Korea and Germany. How things relate to each other and how they contrast always inspires me as a designer," said Schreyer. "I have completed every project with a smile on my face, always striving to make our dreams come true. I am a car designer with all my heart and I always considered myself lucky for working in my dream job."


Roots and Wings

Throughout his career, Schreyer has drawn inspiration from a variety of sources, from artistic movements such as Dadaism and the purity of Bauhaus to an array of artists, designers, and even music, especially in the field of jazz. A man with a great respect for tradition, Schreyer is nonetheless never afraid to think outside the box, to put a new twist on tradition or to combine multiple styles into something completely new. In his work at Kia and Hyundai, Schreyer has successfully fused the German design tradition with Korean culture and design. The title Roots and Wings reflects his ability to respect tradition and heritage, while simultaneously taking wing and stepping into the future – the mark of a true visionary.



쿠엔틴 몽주(Quentin Monge), 프랑스, 일러스트레이터, 현재

쿠엔틴 몽주(Quentin Monge), 프랑스, 일러스트레이터, 현재일러스트레이터 '쿠엔틴 몽주'는 프랑스 남부 해변에서 어린 시절을 보냈습니다. 그래서 그는 해변의 건강한 순간들을 다채로운 색감으로




김종학, 한국, 설악의 화가, 1937-현재

김종학, 한국, 설악의 화가, 1937-현재다채로운 색으로 피어난 꽃이 화폭을 가득 메우고, 사이사이 날아다니는 물총새, 나비, 딱따구리, 무당벌레 등이 화려한 여름의 생동감을 더합니다. 화가 김




윌리 슬라위터르(Willy Sluiter), 네덜란드, 화가, 1873-1949

윌리 슬라위터르(Willy Sluiter), 네덜란드, 화가, 1873-1949네덜란드의 다재다능한 화가, '윌리 슬라위터르'는 함께 살고 있는 주변의 인물들을 유머러스하게 많이 그렸습니다. 어촌마을의 지역적 분


