E. J. Paprocki, City of Chicago, Illinois, US, 1971~Present
1) Biography
E. J. Paprocki, an internationally renowned artist, was born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1971. He has always loved painting and attended Loyola University in Chicago to study both business and fine art. After completing his undergraduate studies, Paprocki supplemented his formal art education with lengthy travels through Europe, where he painted and visited famous museums.
He has participated in a large number of exhibitions, including 18 solo shows and other important group exhibitions on two continents. His work has won praise from the art world and been highlighted in various national publications, such as Art of the West, Southwest Art, Gulfshore Life, and International Artist. The White House, the American embassies in Kuwait and Uruguay, as well as numerous major corporations, all display Paprocki's artwork.
Four enormous murals were commissioned by the University of Notre Dame in 2013 for their permanent collection. More than 1000 public, private, and corporate collections in more than a dozen nations across the world display his paintings.
2) More Information about Him
Impressionist painter E.J. Paprocki is talented. Most of his themes are plein air paintings of picturesque landscapes and urban scenes from places like Paris, Brittany, Bruges, the Irish coast, and the British countryside. In addition, he paints rich garden themes, emotional figuratives, such as heartfelt beach scenes with kids playing in the sand and by the waves, and compositionally enticing still lifes drenched in brilliantly colored flowers. In actuality, his mastery of a wide range of hues is his forte.
E.J. favors painting his garden sceneries, cityscapes, and landscapes on location. "Painting on location forces you to work quickly," the artist claims. There is no time to dwell on minute minutiae. You get better at saying a lot with a single brushstroke. The angle of the sun's rays is changed by clouds. Wind blows across the trees, causing the water to ripple. Boats, cars, and people come and go from a scene. In order to capture his perception of how light, shadow, and movement interact with his subject at a specific moment in time, the plein air artist must work rapidly lest nature interfere with his purpose. "I finish the majority of paintings in two to three hours by keeping the brushwork light and not overpainting."
E.J. continues a rich heritage established by Edouard Manet and Claude Monet, the founders of the impressionist movement, by painting the vast majority of his pieces on location. Monet advised his colleagues to give up their studios and never again paint indoors unless they were painting outside in front of their subject because he understood that impressionists studied the interaction of light, shadow, and movement in the open air. In support of this counsel, he turned a small boat into a floating studio where he painted portraits and cityscapes along the Seine's banks.
"I like painting on location," the artist says, recalling the time he put up his easel in the middle of Michigan Avenue in Chicago to get the finest view for a picture of his beloved hometown. Painting en plein air is actually a "happening." Everywhere he paints, a sizable number of onlookers are drawn to him. He says, remembering a recent painting of Paris he did from a bridge over the Seine, "That's part of the excitement of plein air painting. "People are more likely to approach you and start a conversation with you."
"I have a strong affinity for my subjects," E.J. claims. Therefore, his love of travel, his hometowns of Chicago and New York, flowers, and beach scenes with his own and other children are all reflected in his artwork. He concentrates on the vivid expanses of color and texture that dot city streets and flower-carpeted vales and valleys, even when he is on location in places like Antrim (Ireland), Slaughter (England), Bruges, and Paris. A large English garden's allure is too much for any self-respecting impressionist to ignore, and his sporadic stills are comparable to works by Renoir and Georgia O'Keeffe.
Despite all of that, Paprocki's beach scenes show off his sensitive side. The artwork explores the subtleties of how kids stand at the water's edge or skip stones across its glistening surface while capturing their innocence. But in this particular instance, the plein air artist retreats inside to complete his painting. E.J. justifies the need for between three and four hundred images in his children-on-the-beach series by saying, "Children don't stand still for very long."
E. J. sums it up wisely: "Art and what you leave behind is what and who you are." It reflects your personality and speaks from the heart.
When he was just seven years old, E.J. Paprocki picked up his first brush. His father frequently took him to New York, which provided him with opportunities for practice and inspiration. In fact, at age 18, he spent four months painting the Plaza Hotel in New York City because he was so fascinated of the city's frantic energy and nonstop bustle. When he was done, the precocious kid sent a letter and a picture of his painting to the new owner, Ivana Trump. The distinction of becoming his very first sale goes to her.
However, the young artist had doubts about his ability to support himself as an artist. He chose to major in finance at Loyola University as a result. He minored in art nonetheless, and the majority of his time was spent exploring Chicago's top-notch museums and galleries. These latter offer him priceless advice and useful critique.
wo of the galleries made the opportunity to sell his art even before he graduated in 1993. One of them was the highly regarded Maurice Sternberg Galleries. By the time he graduated, his artwork was being shown in a Boston gallery. Soon after that, he was also represented by the renowned Wally Findlay Galeries.
After earning his degree, Paprocki thought that painting the same subjects as Manet, Monet, and Renoir would be the finest preparation for his budding career. As a result, he left for Ireland, England, Belgium, France, Italy, Austria, and Spain to hone his plein air painting techniques. Even though he is now married and has two attractive sons who usually act as models for his beach sceneries, he still frequently travels for his painting in order to find new inspiration.
Hilary Clinton chose Paprocki to create the artwork for the 1997 Annual Pageant of Peace, which was hosted at the Ellipse in Washington, D.C. The artwork was so excellent that it is now a part of the permanent collection at the White House.
More than 1,000 private collections in the United States, Canada, Ireland, England, France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Japan, and India also contain his works, as do MBNA Bank, IBM, Borg Warner, R.R. Donnelly, the Plaza and Mayfair Regent Hotels in New York, Whitehall Hotel and the Tremont in Chicago, the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Naples, and others.
E.J.'s artwork has received praise from exhibitions and publications for art. He won the Juror's Choice Award at the National Juried Exhibition of the Oil Painters of America in 1997. He was given the opportunity to show at the esteemed Great American Artists Exhibition in 2000, and ever since then, he has received other invitations. Additionally, Gulfshore, Southwest Art, and Art of the West publications have all featured him.
He has had 16 solo shows at the age of just 40, 11 of which have been at DeBruyne Fine Art in Naples.
He joined DeBruyne a while back. Both the gallery director Kate Bauer and owner Suzanne DeBruyne had vivid memories of the day. According to DeBruyne, the artist "walked in off the street to see if we'd like to represent him and started unrolling his canvases on the floor." "Each new work was better than the last, and we looked at each other as if to say we better lock the doors and get him under contract before he has a chance to leave." In order to highlight how uncommon a talent E.J. Paprocki is, Suzanne DeBruyne received 372 unsolicited portfolios in the summer of 2010. DeBruyne Fine Art declined to represent any of them since they weren't good enough.
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