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Frederick Carl Frieseke, Owosso, Michigan, American, 1874~1939 Frederick Carl Frieseke, Owosso, Michigan, American, 1874~1939 On April 7, 1874, Frederick Carl Frieseke was born in Owosso, Michigan. Frieseke left for France in 1898 after briefly attending the Art Institute of Chicago and the Art Students League in New York. He spent nearly the entirety of his career as an expatriate, keeping connections to the United States through his New York dealer, Willi.. 2023. 9. 16.
이우성, 한국, 화가, 1983-현재 이우성, 한국, 화가, 1983-현재 익명의 청춘들을 그린 대표적 청년작가. '나' 보다는 '우리'를 그린다. 이우성이 보는 사람은 표정이자 메시지이다.그러면 그가 보는 그림은 무엇이냐? "사람이 남긴 시간과 기억,흔적을 기록한 이미지 공간" 즉 감각의 탁본이다.1980년대 민중미술(걸개그림)의 포스트버전 같은데 느슨하지만 결속되어 있는 우리가 느껴진다. 이우성은 일상적인 장면들로 오늘날 젊은이들의 초상을 그린다. 작가는 최근 커다란 걸개그림을 제작한다. 걸개그림은 원래 프로파간다를 위해 쓰여졌지만 이우성은 거기에 개인적으로 친분이 있는 인물들이 커피를 마시고 있거나 버스를 기다리는 등 일상적인 장면을 그린다. 상징적 형태 표현과 ‘접혔다 펼쳐지는 그림’ 개념을 작업에 담아 특유의 회화 세계를 구축하고 .. 2023. 9. 16.
Top 4 Foods in Osaka That You Must Try The largest city in Western Japan is Osaka. There are several foods here that few Japanese people outside of Osaka are aware of. I'd like to introduce you to some of the tasty and affordable cuisine that Osaka residents enjoy. 1. Yakiniku Meat is grilled over a fire and served with sauce in yakiniku. It resembles a self-service BBQ with just meat served inside. It is not comparable to a steak. Y.. 2023. 9. 16.
Top 5 Foods in Osaka You Must Try The largest city in Western Japan is Osaka. There are several foods here that few Japanese people outside of Osaka are aware of. I'd like to introduce you to some of the tasty and affordable cuisine that Osaka residents enjoy. 1. Takoyaki A batter made of flour, eggs, and "dashi" (Japanese soup stock) is used to make takoyaki. After adding bite-sized boiling octopus, you pour it into a spherical.. 2023. 9. 8.
Albert Edelfelt, Finland, Finnish Painter, 1854~1905 Albert Edelfelt, Finland, Finnish Painter, 1854~1905 Albert Edelfelt was Finland's first internationally renowned artist, going from a promising young painter to a famous figure in Europe. Vincent van Gogh was one of many who liked his art. Edelfelt's major pleasures were the Parisian way of life and summers spent in his native land, therefore he declined a chair at the Imperial Academy of Arts .. 2023. 9. 6.
Ryan Resatka, Los Angeles, California, Photographer, Present Ryan Resatka, Los Angeles, California, Photographer, Present Wonderful travel-inspired novel In Search Of Adventure Images by Ryan Resatka A Los Angeles, California-based adventure photographer with a love of the great outdoors and travel, Ryan Resatka. His love of exploration has given him the opportunity to collaborate with numerous top-tier brands, businesses, and tourism boards. Ryan Resatka.. 2023. 9. 6.
Vladimir Kush, Russian, American, Sculpture, March 1965 Vladimir Kush, Russian, American, Sculpture, March 1965 Vladimir Kush is an American painter, jewelry designer, and sculptor who was born in Russia in 1965. He graduated from the Surikov Moscow Art Institute, and after spending some time working as an artist in his home city of Moscow, he immigrated to the US. He finally opened his own gallery on the Hawaiian island of Maui. Due to his popularit.. 2023. 9. 3.
The Top 10 Onsen (Hot Springs) in the Tokyo Area A natural Japanese hot spring facility known as a "onsen" () can take many different forms and sizes but often includes an indoor or outdoor bathing area. Onsens are typically found in conjunction with hotels, traditional ryokans, or bed & breakfasts when visiting Japan. You have already met the sighting of an onsen if you have already seen the symbol! Because Japan is a volcanically active coun.. 2023. 9. 1.
Lori Preusch, Pasadena, California, Present Lori Preusch, Pasadena, California, Present We are drawn to art because of what it exposes about our innermost selves. People can be greatly moved by the indescribable power of Lori Preusch's paintings. As individuals acknowledge their personal relationships with the environment around them, her exquisite nuances elicit powerful reactions. Her pictures stir up deep-seated emotions and occasional.. 2023. 8. 31.