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구스타프 클림트(Gustav Klimt), 오스트리아, 화가, 1862-1918

by 트렌디한 일반 상식 2025. 3. 6.

구스타프 클림트(Gustav Klimt), 오스트리아, 화가, 1862-1918
구스타프 클림트(Gustav Klimt), 오스트리아, 화가, 1862-1918
구스타프 클림트(Gustav Klimt), 오스트리아, 화가, 1862-1918
구스타프 클림트(Gustav Klimt), 오스트리아, 화가, 1862-1918
구스타프 클림트(Gustav Klimt), 오스트리아, 화가, 1862-1918
구스타프 클림트(Gustav Klimt), 오스트리아, 화가, 1862-1918


구스타프 클림트(Gustav Klimt), 오스트리아, 화가, 1862-1918
구스타프 클림트(Gustav Klimt), 오스트리아, 화가, 1862-1918


구스타프 클림트(Gustav Klimt), 오스트리아, 화가, 1862-1918

화려한 금빛 장식의 "키스"로 기억되는 '클림트'는 풍경화도 많이 그렸습니다. 그의 정신적 반려자였던 '에밀리 플뢰게 (클림트 동생의 처제)' 가족들과 함께 매년 여름에 '아터호수 Attersee'로 여행을 갔었는데, 거기서 숲을 산책하며 그린 작품들이 많답니다.


특이한 점은 모든 풍경화는 가로 세로 110cm의 정사각형으로 그려, 그의 트레이드 마크가 되었죠. 수없이 많은 색깔들이 별처럼 반짝거리는 클림트의 풍경화에는 삶의 기쁨이 담겨있는 듯합니다.


                                                                                                   About Him


Gustav Klimt was an Austrian symbolist painter, whose primary subject was the female body. His paintings, murals, and sketches are marked by a sensual eroticism, which is especially apparent in his pencil drawings. Klimt attended the Vienna University of Arts and Crafts in 1876, and formed the “Company of Artists” with his two brothers and a friend, after which he was awarded the Golden Order of Merit from the Emperor of Vienna. In 1892, his father and one of his brothers died, leaving him responsible for their families. The family tragedy also affected his artistic vision, which helped him develop his own personal style.


Throughout his life, although he was a controversial painter due to his subject matter, he was made an honorary member of the Universities of Vienna and of Munich. He was also a founding member and president of the Vienna Secession, which sought to create a platform for new and unconventional artists, bring new artists to Vienna, and created a magazine to showcase its member’ work.


Klimt lived a simple, cloistered life, in which he avoided other artists and café society. He often wore a long robe, sandals, and no undergarments. He also had many discreet affairs with women, and fathered at least 14 children. This may be an indication of his passion for women, their form and sexuality, which was the main focus of many of his works. The majority of his paintings were characterized by golden or colored swirling designs, spirals, and phallic shapes, depicting dominant women in erotic positions.


Klimt died in the influenza epidemic of 1918, leaving behind a posthumous legacy that few artists can rival. His paintings have brought in the highest amounts ever paid at auction.



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사이먼 벡(Simon Beck), 영국, 예술가, 1958-현재

사이먼 벡(Simon Beck), 영국, 예술가, 1958-현재영국 옥스퍼드대학에서 토목공학을 전공한 '사이먼 벡'은 세계 최초의 '스노우 아티스트'입니다. 지도 제작자로 일하다가, 15년 전부터는 눈 위에다 발




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