게리 번트(Gary Bunt), 영국, 시각예술가, 1957-현재
독학으로 그림을 공부한 '게리 번트'는 영국의 시골과 바다 마을 풍경을 많이 그립니다. 20~30대 때에 시도 쓰고 록밴드에서 기타도 치고, 술과 마약에 빠져있다가 정신쇠약증과 암에 걸리는 바람에 모두 끊고 그림을 시작했다고 합니다.
그림을 그리며 고통에서 벗어나 자신을 다시 찾고, 암도 극복했죠. 단순하고 투박한 터치이지만 그의 그림에는 유머도 있고, 힐링의 메시지도 담겨 있습니다.
그림 속 주인공은 어딘가 외로워보이지만 그래도 강아지가 늘 평온하고 따듯하게 다독여주고 있네요. 그의 작품 중에서 겨울 풍경 등을 감상해보세요.
About Him
Gary Bunt is one of the most beloved artists working in Britain today. With his instantly recognisable, quintessentially British charm his paintings and sculptures have found an audience across the world. There is an abounding sense of peace and calm to the artist’s work – recalling a world now largely lost – but the greatest sentiment is without doubt the unbridled joy that shines out from his canvases. Bunt is an artist that truly loves to paint. It is the thing that motivates him each day, heading out to his sacred ‘shed’ (his name for the studio in his garden). Not a day goes by when painting is not foremost on his mind.
Born in East Peckham in 1957, Bunt draws inspiration from a rich array of sources. In particular he looks to the great canons of Modern British art, and his unique painterly style draws on the work of artists such as Alfred Wallis, Christopher Wood and Winifred Nicholson. Yet his subject matter is wholly his own. His paintings embody the everyman – quite literally with the central character of Bert and his dog that features in many of his works. Initially drawn as his father, Bert has, over the passage of time come to represent the artist himself. Travelling through the countryside via the many villages and farmyards, fishing the fast rushing rivers and strolling on the windswept beaches, Bert takes us on a very British journey, with the scenes and landscapes reminiscent of many of our youths.
Faith plays a pivotal role for Bunt, and his visionary religious approach – reminiscent of that of the great Stanley Spencer – is visible in much of his work. In some he reimagines scenes from the Bible unfolding in his local surroundings, Jesus appearing amongst the rolling Sussex hills. His faith is approachable through his paintings and sculptures, and in 2020 his interpretations of stories from the New Testament travelled the breadth of Britain’s cathedrals.
Another stream that dominates his work is the artist’s passion for twentieth-century British art, and his paintings and sculpture often draw parallels with the most popular painters of the past century. In 2021 he completed a series of twelve tribute paintings celebrating the work of the artists that have inspired him. Showcasing the artist’s great technical ability and understanding they allow the viewer a brief glimmer into his artistic mindset.
In an age when contemporary artists come and go, Gary Bunt’s work looks to stand the test of time. Highly accomplished, passionate and accessible, he rightly holds his place as one of the most successful and sought-after artists working in Britain today.
에리크 할스트룀(Eric Hallström), 스웨덴, 화가, 1893-1946
에리크 할스트룀(Eric Hallström), 스웨덴, 화가, 1893-1946스웨덴의 인상주의 화가 ' 에리크 할스트룀'은 스톡홀름의 도시 풍경을 많이 그렸습니다. 공장의 굴뚝에서는 검은 연기가 피어오르고, 도시
브루노 릴리에포르스(Bruno Liljefors), 스웨덴, 화가, 1860-1939
브루노 릴리에포르스(Bruno Liljefors), 스웨덴, 화가, 1860-1939스웨덴의 '브루노 릴레포르스'는 자연과 동물을 모티브로 하여 극적인 상황을 그려내는 야생 동물화가입니다. 세심한 생태 관찰력과 섬
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992런던에서 태어난 '존 브랫비'는 초상화와 정물화 풍경 등을 그리고, 영화 세트 디자인도 하던 다재다능한 예술가였습니다. 젊은 시절 한때는 공원
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