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존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992

by 트렌디한 일반 상식 2025. 1. 8.

존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992


존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992
존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992


존 브랫비(John Randall Bratby), 영국, 화가, 1928-1992

런던에서 태어난 '존 브랫비'는 초상화와 정물화 풍경 등을 그리고, 영화 세트 디자인도 하던 다재다능한 예술가였습니다.


젊은 시절 한때는 공원에서 구걸도 하고, 노숙도 하면서 불안정한 삶을 살았는데, 쓰레기통과 맥주병 같은 일상 물건들을 주제로 그림도 그렸습니다.


이런 그의 작품 스타일을 '키친 싱크 리얼리즘 Kitchen Sink Realism'이라고 한답니다. 다소 무겁고 우울한 스타일의 그의 작품에는 "화가 난 중산층"들이 자주 등장하죠.


                                                                                              About Him


John Randall Bratby RA (19 July 1928 – 20 July 1992) was an English painter who founded the kitchen sink realism style of art that was influential in the late 1950s. He made portraits of his family and celebrities. His works were seen in television and film. Bratby was also a writer.


John Bratby was born on 19 July 1928 in Wimbledon. Between 1949 and 1950 he studied art at Kingston College of Art. He then began attending the Royal College of Art, completing his studies in 1954. He painted landscapes, still lifes, portraits and figure compositions and had his first solo exhibition that year at London's Beaux Arts Gallery.


He was given the opportunity to travel to Italy when he was awarded a bursary during his college years. The experience, though, left him uninterested in travelling and uninspired artistically.


Bratby is considered the founder of kitchen sink realism a movement in which artists use everyday objects, like trash cans and beer bottles as subjects of their works, which are often thickly-laden portraits or paintings. It began in the early 1950s and has been considered an aspect of John Osborne's "Angry Young Men Movement." Artists Derrick Greaves, Edward Middleditch and Jack Smith were also active in the development of the movement. Bratby often painted with bright colours, capturing his middle-class family's daily lives. The faces of his subjects often appeared desperate and unsightly. Bratby painted several kitchen subjects, often turning practical utensils such as sieves and spoons into semi-abstract shapes. He also painted bathrooms, and made three paintings of toilets. Initially there was some critical interest, but English critics later disregarded it as an important movement.


In 1958 Bratby created works for the fictional artist Gulley Jimson in the Alec Guinness film The Horse's Mouth. A portion of Bratby's painting Four Lambrettas and Three Portraits of Janet Churchman (1958) is featured on the cover of Mark Knopfler's 2007 album Kill to Get Crimson.


As he matured, Bratby's works became "lighter and more exuberant". He made the mural Golgotha for Lancaster's St Martin's Chapel in 1965. During his career, Bratby promoted himself on television and the radio and was one of his generation's best known artists. He mingled with celebrities to earn portrait commissions in the late 1960s. By the 1970s he had a series of portraits including Billie Whitelaw.


Bratby was elected to the Royal Academy of Arts in 1971.


In the 1980s he travelled and made paintings of the cities he visited. He made intimately-posed portraits of his wife and self-portraits. He continued to paint with bright colours, but had developed "an economy of line." His paintings are shown in the 1984 television mini-series adaptation of Judith Krantz's novel "Mistral's Daughter" about an artist.


Bratby's own work fell out of favour with the emergence of Pop art, but his paintings have increased in value and critical support over recent years. Paul McCartney has been a collector of his works. McCartney had given Bratby two hours in Bratby's studio in 1967. Three portraits resulted from the sitting.


In 1960 he published a novel, "Breakdown". He also wrote a book about Stanley Spencer in 1970. He wrote a follow up novel to "Breakdown" in 1962, "Brake Pedal Down



펠리체 카소라티(Felice Casorati), 이탈리아, 화가, 1883-1963

펠리체 카소라티(Felice Casorati), 이탈리아, 화가, 1883-1963'펠리체 카소라티'는 이탈리아의 상징주의  화가입니다. 법학을 공부했으나 화가의 꿈을 이루기 위해, 베니스 비엔날레에 수차례 도전 끝




다인 칼슨(Dines Carlsen), 미국, 화가, 1901-1966

다인 칼슨(Dines Carlsen), 미국, 화가, 1901-1966미국 뉴욕에서 태어난 '다인 칼슨'은 정물화로 유명한 화가입니다. 아주 오래된 놋쇠 그릇, 중국풍의 차 주전자, 도자기 등을 매우 고풍스럽고 정밀하게




헬가 스텐첼(Helga Stentzel), 러시아, 예술가, 현재

헬가 스텐첼(Helga Stentzel), 러시아, 예술가, 현재빨랫줄에 걸린 가정용 초현실주의  “household surrealism”  과거에는 미술관 안에 걸린 고급스럽고 고상한 미술작품만을 예술로 간주하던 시대가


