록웰 켄트(Rockwell Kent), 미국, 화가, 1882-1971
미국의 '록웰 켄트'는 화가이자 판화가, 작가, 모험가이면서 선원이었습니다. 그의 작품들은 바다 풍경이 많은데, 고요하고 잔잔한 자연의 경이로움이 느껴집니다. 알래스카와 그린란드의 엄숙한 대자연을 신비로운 빛의 흐름으로 묘사했으며, 신화 같은 이야기도 매우 현대적으로 표현했습니다.
그의 대표작 중 하나는 거대한 고래와의 사투를 담은 소설 '모비 딕(백경 白鯨)'입니다. 1851년 '허먼 멜빌'이 이 소설을 발표했을 땐, 난해한 서술로 혹평을 받았고, 소설도 잊히고 말았죠. 하지만 80년이 지난 1930년, 이 소설이 재조명받아 다시 출간되면서 '록웰 켄트'가 삽화를 그렸답니다.
그로 인해 '모비 딕'은 대히트를 쳤고, 명작으로 남게 되었습니다. '록웰 켄트' 자신이 직접 오랫동안 바다 생활을 했었고, 고래에 대해서도 잘 알고 있었기에 생생한 삽화를 그릴 수 있었답니다.
About Him
Rockwell Kent was an American artist best known for his signature, smooth style of landscape painting. Often cited as an early American Modernist, Kent's work focuses on the otherworldly beauty of nature, influenced by Transcendentalism and the mysticism of writers such as Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Kent also made numerous extended visits to international areas of isolated wilderness, including Tierra del Fuego, Alaska, and Greenland, which served as inspiration to his work. His paintings are heavily stylized, with organic forms taking on geometric qualities and contrasting color relationships. The artist initially graduated with an undergraduate degree in architecture from Columbia University in New York, and later studied composition and design at the Art Students League in 1900 before dedicating himself to painting. Sometime in the 1910s, he purchased an Adirondack farmstead which he named Asgaard from where he continued to work prolifically. He achieved considerable success in the 20th century, garnering awards such as the 1967 reception of the International Lenin Peace Prize from the Soviet Union, along with a monetary prize which Kent donated to the people of Vietnam. Born on June 21, 1882, in Tarrytown, NY, he died in Plattsburgh, NY on March 13, 1971.
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