리토 나뭇잎 아트(Lito Leaf art), 일본, ADHD를 가진 작가, 현재
from grocery stores inhabited by animals, to a rhinoceros washing the teeth of its calf, japanese artist lito leaf art carves the most amusing sceneries on tree leaves. using a very precise cut-out technique, a closer inspection of each piece reveals surprising details that create dreamy narratives.
‘I make positive use of my own ADHD (developmental disability) biased concentration and commitment to create paper-cutting works using leaves,’ comments lito on their instagram page description. a closer look into their social media reveals the artist has been creatively expressing themselves through meticulous drawings that have evolved into the carved leaves.
placed against the sky, viewers are able to imagine worlds on these miniature creations. sometimes surreal, other times scary, but every time beautiful and poetic, make sure you visit the artist’s instagram and twitter accounts where they post each new creation, together with a short but sweet story.
About Him
There is no right or wrong way of doing art. Anyone can create anything they like by using whatever form, medium, matter, or canvas that they want. And hence, picking these things is an art of its own. The hero of today's story sought inspiration from nature for his art.
A Japanese artist that goes by the name of "Lito Leaf art" on Instagram has a very specific medium and style of making his art. "Unbe-leaf-able" is the word one finds when trying to describe them. These cutouts which are (obviously) made from leaves are pure quality art.
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