배리 L. 슈틀러(Barry L. Schuttler), 미국, 기독교 목사
1950-1960년대 우리나라와 타이완의 사회상을 찍은 미국 기독교 목사. 1962년 전쟁이 끝난지 10년이 되가는 시절, 서울과 사람들의 모습을 담았다.수집가는 徐宗懋(Hsu Chung Mao ) 徐宗懋圖文館 대표. 그는 쇠사슬 묶인 안중근 의사등 한국사의 주요한 장면을 수집해왔다.
About Pictures
he Cite Publishing Ltd. has launched a project to present the black and white images of Taiwan captured by American pastor Barry L. Schuttler between 1959 and 1960.
Subsidized by the Ministry of Culture’s Taiwan Cultural Memory Bank project, the Cite Publishing Ltd. makes the old photographs available to the public, offering glimpses of the history of Taiwan.
Schuttler, who served as the director of Taiwan Christian Service at that time, travelled across Taiwan and its outlaying islands with members of the church to provide U.S. aid to Taiwan.
As a photography lover, Schuttler documented the everyday life of Taiwanese people as well as street scenes, spanning life in Wanhua District, Guishan Island, and Kinmen, through his lens.
To fundraise for Taiwan and introduce the island to the world, Schuttler sent the photographs to the church in the U.S., so the images can be published by the church and media. For example, San Francisco Chronicle had published a series of his photographs.
With these old photographs, people in the current generation can learn about the lifestyle, dressing style, working lives, and street scenes of Taiwan in different era.
The Cite Publishing team also conducted field survey based on the photos and recorded oral history through interviewing elders living in Wanhua. The survey has brought back the memories of the residents. A former resident of Guishan Island even recognized himself in one of the old photos.
To introduce Taiwan’s original cultural contents to the overseas markets and seek collaboration opportunities, the team has also participated in Content Tokyo, a trade fair offering a platform for business matching among content creators, distributors, and licensing professionals.
김종필, 한국, 화가, 1926-2018
김종필, 한국, 화가, 1926-2018 나에게 그림을 그린다는 것은 아마추어적 유유자적(悠悠自適)만을 의미하지 않는다. 내 눈에 비치는 사물의 상(象)을 그저 재현해 보기 위한 것도 아니다. 나에게 그
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니콜라오스 리트라스(Nikolaos Lytras), 그리스, 화가, 초상화, 풍경화, 1883~1927 '니콜라오스 리트라스'는 초상화와 풍경화를 많이 그린 그리스의 표현주의 화가입니다. 역시 화가였던 아버지에게 그
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