베르나르 뷔페(Bernard Buffet), 프랑스, 화가, 1928-1999
날카로운 직선으로 삐쩍 마른 인물들을 그린 '베르나르 뷔페 Bernard Buffet(1928~1999)'가, 작가이자 가수인 '애나벨 Annabel'을 처음 만난 것은 1958년 여름. 첫눈에 서로 사랑에 빠진 동갑내기 커플은 서로 100km나 떨어진 곳에 살았지만 매일 만났습니다.
덕분에 그림 그리는 남자와 글 쓰는 여자는 그해 겨울에 결혼을 하죠. 뷔페는 애나벨을 위해 수많은 초상화를 그렸고, 그녀를 주제로 전시회도 열었답니다. 가수이기도 한 그녀의 음반 자켓은 당연히 뷔페의 그림이었죠.
세계 각국을 여행하며 함께 글도 쓰고 그림도 그리던 그들은, 40여년간 서로의 예술을 이해하며 진정 행복했습니다. 자신의 마지막을 일찌감치 예상했던 뷔페는 유언장마저 정물화로 남겼답니다. '내 모든 것을 애나벨에게..' 라는 글귀와 함께, 손가락에다 물감 묻혀 지장까지 찍은 진심어린 작품입니다.
About Him
Bernard Buffet was French Expressionist painter born in 1928 in Paris. Highly precocious, he was admitted at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in 1943 at the age of 15. He had his first solo show in Paris in 1947 and in 1948, at age 20, was awarded the Prix de la Critique. He took his own life after a prolonged battle with Parkinson's disease in 1999 in Tourtour, France at the age of 71.
Best known for his representational work, Buffet's paintings are often figurative, graphic, and central in their compositions. He developed over the years a distinctive style of elongated, spiky forms, somber colors, flattened spaces and an overall mood of loneliness and despair. His oeuvre revolved around ideas of art history, death, sexuality, popular culture, and politics while often directly referencing contemporary events and artists.
During his lifetime, he garnered widespread popularity and acclaim, including dozens of international exhibitions and honors such as being inducted into the Académie des Beaux-Arts in 1974. Today, his work can be found in several public collections including the Centre Georges Pompidou, The National Museum of Modern Art in Paris, the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, the Tate Gallery, London and a museum in Japan is devoted to his oeuvre.
샤를 에두아르 프레레(Charles-Édouard Frère), 프랑스, 화가, 1837-1894
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