아서 리스머(Arthur Lismer), 캐나다, 화가, 1885-1969
화가 '아서 리스머'는 영국에서 태어나고, 벨기에에서 미술공부를 마친 후, 캐나다로 이민왔습니다. 디자인회사에 입사하여 '톰 톰슨(캐나다 단풍을 그린 화가)'을 만나, 같이 카누도 타고 그림도 그렸죠. '리스머'의 대표작은, 1차대전 때 군인들을 태우고 항구에 돌아온 "올림픽호".
지그재그의 복잡한 줄무늬 (Dazzle Painting)는, 적의 잠수함이나 전투기가 배의 방향과 거리를 추적하기 어렵게 만드는, 일종의 위장술이었습니다. 이 그림으로 그는 공식 전쟁예술가로 활동했으며, 전쟁 후에는 동료들과 함께 'Group of Seven' 그룹을 결성했습니다.
그들은 캐나다의 특징적인 자연 풍경그림에다 국가의 고유한 정신을 담았답니다. 유럽의 인상주의 영향에서 벗어나, 좀더 선명하고 구불구불한 표현방식으로 발전했죠. 훗날 그는 전세계의 어린이 미술교육에도 크게 기여했답니다.
About Him
As an immigrant from England, Arthur Lismer was fascinated by the Canadian landscape of rocks, pines, and expansive stretches of tumultuous water and sky. From 1920 he was a member of the Group of Seven, painters who advocated a new Canadian art that expressed the spirit of the nation through its landscape. Throughout his life he was a dedicated painter and draftsman and visionary teacher.
Lismer attended the Sheffield School of Art in the evenings on a scholarship (1898-1905) and during the day apprenticed at a photoengraving firm. In 1906 he studied at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Antwerp. He returned to Sheffield, where he worked in a commercial art studio before moving to Canada in January 1911.
Hired at the commercial art firm Grip Limited, and later at Rous & Mann, in Toronto, he met fellow artists J.E.H. MacDonald, Franklin Carmichael, and Tom Thomson. In 1913 he went on his first painting trip to Georgian Bay with his wife, Esther, and their baby daughter, and in 1914 to Algonquin Park.
In 1916 Lismer became principal of the Victoria School of Art and Design (now the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design) in Halifax. In 1917 an explosion in Halifax Harbour destroyed large sections of the city. Lismer captured the aftermath of this catastrophe in a series of drawings first published in the Canadian Courier. In 1918 he was commissioned by Canadian War Records to record returning troopships in Halifax Harbour in paintings and in lithographs. In 1919 he moved back to Toronto and became vice-principal of the Ontario College of Art (OCA).
Lismer was a charter member of the Group of Seven, and joined his fellow artists on painting trips to the Algoma region and north shore of Lake Superior. In 1928 he painted in the Rockies and from 1930 in the Atlantic provinces. His Impressionist-influenced paintings of the 1910s evolved into a more angular and cruder expression that he equated with the Canadian terrain and national identity. In his later work, Lismer concentrated on detailed foregrounds and tightly framed, close-up compositions of vegetation and land formations.
Lismer resigned from OCA in 1927 and became supervisor of education at the Art Gallery of Toronto (now the Art Gallery of Ontario). He became a leading figure in child art education working in Toronto, South Africa, New York, and Montreal, where he moved in 1940. He taught at the Art Association of Montreal (now the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts) from 1940 until 1967.
A retrospective exhibition of Lismer's work was organized by the Art Gallery of Toronto in 1950. The following year he travelled to Long Beach, Vancouver Island, where he spent summers for the rest of his life, and where the ocean and dense forests provided a new landscape to sketch and paint.
매튜 웡(Matthew Wong), 캐나다, 예술가, 1984-2019
매튜 웡(Matthew Wong), 캐나다, 예술가, 1984-2019 "현대 사회에는 너무나 많은 외로움과 노스탤지어가 존재한다고 생각합니다. 이런 관점에서 제 작품들은 그것들에 관하여 이야기하고 있으며, 조금
메리 블레어(Mary Blair), 미국, 일러스트레이터, 1911-1978
메리 블레어(Mary Blair), 미국, 일러스트레이터, 1911-1978 미국의 '메리 블레어'는 대학 졸업 후 수채화를 그리면서 화가로 인정받기 시작했습니다. 서른 살 무렵 월트 디즈니에 입사했죠. '콘셉트 아
유리 고르바초프(Yuri Gorbachev), 러시아, 화가, 조각가, 1948-현재
유리 고르바초프(Yuri Gorbachev), 러시아, 화가, 조각가, 1948-현재 유리 고르바초프 (Yuri Gorbachev, 1948년, 소련 출생 )는 러시아의 화가이자 조각가입니다. 1991년부터 미국에 살면서 뉴욕에 있는 맨해튼
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