장대천(Zhang Daqian, 張大千), 중국, 화가, 1899-1983
중국 쓰촨 성에서 태어난 '장다첸'은, 특유의 청록색을 잘 사용한 추상풍경화가입니다. 어릴 때 자수를 놓던 어머니를 도와 도안그림을 그리던 그는, 일본 교토에 가서 그림과 염색을 공부했으며, 돌아와 중국 전통회화를 본격 공부했습니다.
처음엔 송나라 원나라 때의 유명한 걸작들을 보고 따라 그렸으며, 2년 넘게 둔황에 있으며 석굴의 벽화를 모사하기도 했습니다. 나이 오십 무렵 공산주의가 집권하자, 그는 중국을 떠나 남미와 미국에서 살았답니다. 파리에서 피카소를 만나 예술적 만남을 갖고, 서로 그림을 교환하기도 했죠.
그의 작품 특징은 '발채 潑彩' 기법입니다. 서양 미술에서는 'Splashed Color'라고 하여, 물감이 깊게 번지는 스타일이죠. 청록색이 짙게 얼룩진 그의 몽환적인 산수화에는 전통화 현대의 화법이 농축되어 있습니다.
About Him
Chang Ta-ch'ien (Zhang Daqian) is one of the best-known and most prolific Chinese artists of the 20th century, as prized for his detailed portraits as he is for his splashed-ink landscapes. Originally a traditionalist who excelled at a broad range of classical Chinese styles and techniques, he later developed innovative methods such as pouring ink and colour on paper or silk to produce random, evocative forms to which he added small figurative details such as a figure or a tree. Combining traditional Chinese brushwork and semiabstract compositions related to American Abstract Exressionism, Chang created highly innovative works distinguished by rich, dark tones and mineral-based pigments; he is one of the great modernist of the last century.
Born in 1899 in Sichuan, Chang Ta-ch'ien was encouraged by his family to pursue painting. Starting with a youthful trip to Kyoto, Japan, to learn Japanese weaving and dying, he later traveled to Shanghai, where he studied with famous calligraphers and painters and began to emulate the traditionalist masters Tang Yin, Chen Hongshou and Shitao; then Beijing, where he was active in cultural circles. A gregarious man, Chang surrounded himself with a large entourage of family, students, friends and admirers; he presented himself as a traditional literatus-artist, adopting long scholar’s robes and a flowing beard. Following the Communist takeover, the artist lived in Argentina, Brazil, the US and, finally, Taiwan, where he settled in 1978 and died in 1983. A lifelong collector, Chang left his large holdings of Chinese paintings from the Tang to the Qing dynasties to the National Palace Museum in Taipei. His own work may be found in the National Palace Museum, Taipei City; the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and others.
According to Sotheby’s Mei Moses, the average compound annual return for Chang’s work resold at auction between 2003 and 2017 was 20.8% and 98.5% of 66 such works increased in value.
펀 이사벨 코페지(Fern Isabel Coppedge), 미국, 인상주의, 화가, 1883-1951
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조셉 파쿠하슨(Joseph Farquharson), 스코틀랜드, 화가, 1846-1935
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이상섭, 한국, 화가. 1980-현재
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