줄리안 오피(Julian Opie), 영국, 시각예술가, 1958-현재
영국의 화가이자 설치미술가, '줄리안 오피'는 "걷는 사람들"을 그립니다. 몇 년 전엔 서울에서 작업하고 전시한 작품은 "신사동 사람들"과 "빗속의 사당동 사람들".
그는 사진과 영상 이미지를 단순화시킨 다음, 몇 개의 선과 모양만으로 인물 형상을 그립니다. 현대인의 익명성을 나타냄과 동시에, 경쾌하고 친숙한 이 시대의 팝 아이콘이 되고 있습니다.
동그라미만으로 얼굴이 묘사된 인물들은 당당하고, 대담합니다. 그리고, "걷는 사람들"은 최근 들어 경쾌하게 셔플댄스를 춤춘답니다.
About Him
The work of Julian Opie is known throughout the world. With public commissions from New York to Seoul, London to Calgary, and an uninterrupted flow of international museum exhibitions, Opie’s distinctive formal language is instantly recognisable and reflects his artistic preoccupation with the idea of representation and the means by which images are perceived and understood. “Everything you see is a trick of the light,” Opie writes. “Light bouncing into your eye, light casting shadows, creating depth, shapes, colours. Turn off the light and it’s all gone. We use vision as a means of survival and it’s essential to take it for granted in order to function, but awareness allows us to look at looking and by extension look at ourselves and be aware of our presence. Drawing, drawing out the way that process feels and works brings the awareness into the present and into the real world, the exterior world.” Always exploring different techniques both cutting edge and ancient, Opie plays with ways of seeing through reinterpreting the vocabulary of everyday life; his reductive style evokes both a visual and spatial experience of the world around us. Drawing influence from classical portraiture, Egyptian hieroglyphs and Japanese woodblock prints, as well as public signage, information boards and traffic signs, the artist connects the clean visual language of modern life, with the fundamentals of art history.
Julian Opie was born in London in 1958 and lives and works in London. He graduated from Goldsmiths School of Art, London in 1982. Exhibitions have been staged at La Llotja, Palma (2024); Galleri F15, Norway (2023); Mango Museum, Changsha, China (2023); He Art Museum, Shenzen, China (2022); Pitzhanger Manor & Manor, London, UK (2021); Berardo Museum, Lisbon, Portugal (2020); Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Japan (2019); Gerhardsen Gerner, Oslo, Norway (2019); The National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia (2018); National Portrait Gallery, London, UK (2017); Suwon Ipark Museum of Art, Korea (2017); Fosun Foundation, Shanghai, China (2017); Fundacion Bancaja, Valencia, Spain (2017); Kunsthalle Helsinki, Finland (2015); Museum of Contemporary Art Krakow (MoCAK), Poland (2014); National Portrait Gallery, London, UK (2011); IVAM, Valencia, Spain (2010); MAK, Vienna, Austria (2008); CAC Malaga, Spain (2006); Neues Museum, Nuremberg, Germany (2003); Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, UK (2001); Kunstverein Hannover, Germany (1994) and Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, UK (1985). Major group exhibitions include ‘LIGHT: Works from the Tate Collection’, The National Art Centre, Tokyo, Japan (2023); ‘We Change The World’, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia (2021), ‘I Want! I Want! Art & Technology’ at Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery, Birmingham, UK (2017); ‘This Is Not The Reality. What Kind Of Reality?’, 57th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy (2017); the Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK (2016); Barbican Art Gallery, London, UK (2014); Tate Britain, London, UK (2013); the Shanghai Biennale (2006); 11th Biennial of Sydney (1998); documenta 8, Kassel, Germany (1987); and XIIème Biennale de Paris (1985). Public projects include 'Promenade dans le metro', Porte de Clichy Metro Station, Paris (2024); ‘Walking in Lisbon’, World Trade Centre Lisbon (2022); ‘Australian Birds’ City of Melbourne, Australia (2020); ‘Promenade’, Pacific Place, Hong Kong (2020); ’Walking in Shanghai’ Fosun Foundation, Shanghai (2019); ‘Walking in Taipei’, Taipei, Taiwan and ‘Walking in Hong Kong’, Tower 535, Hong Kong (2016); Arendt & Medernach, Luxembourg (2016); Heathrow Terminal 1 (1998); and the prison Wormwood Scrubs, London (1994); as well as public work for hospitals, such as the Lindo Wing, St. Mary’s Hospital, London (2012) and Barts & the London Hospital (2003). His design for the band Blur’s album ‘Best of Blur’ (2000) was awarded the Music Week CADS for Best Illustration in 2001.
게리 번트(Gary Bunt), 영국, 시각예술가, 1957-현재
게리 번트(Gary Bunt), 영국, 시각예술가, 1957-현재독학으로 그림을 공부한 '게리 번트'는 영국의 시골과 바다 마을 풍경을 많이 그립니다. 20~30대 때에 시도 쓰고 록밴드에서 기타도 치고, 술과 마약
사이먼 벡(Simon Beck), 영국, 예술가, 1958-현재
사이먼 벡(Simon Beck), 영국, 예술가, 1958-현재영국 옥스퍼드대학에서 토목공학을 전공한 '사이먼 벡'은 세계 최초의 '스노우 아티스트'입니다. 지도 제작자로 일하다가, 15년 전부터는 눈 위에다 발
안나 보베르(Anna Boberg), 스웨덴, 예술가, 1864-1935
안나 보베르(Anna Boberg), 스웨덴, 예술가, 1864-1935스웨덴 스톡홀름에서 태어난 '안나 보베르'는 거의 독학으로 그림을 공부한 화가이자, 디자이너입니다. 그녀의 대표작은 북극권에서만 볼 수 있는
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