콘스탄틴 필리우차(Constantin Piliuta), 루마니아, 화가, 1929-2003
루마니아의 '콘스탄틴 필리우차'는 연극배우가 되고 싶어 했지만, 연극학교에 입학하지 못해 미술학교로 가서 그림 공부를 했습니다.
그림을 그리며, 연극 무대의 세트를 만들기도 했죠. 그가 표현한 루마니아 시골의 봄 풍경은 매우 평화로우며, 꽃들을 담은 정물화도 무척 밝은 톤으로 순수한 감정을 전해줍니다.
무대 위의 발레리나와 음악가들을 단순화시켜서 캔버스에다 옮겨놓은 유머러스한 순간들도 친근감이 가는 작품입니다.
About Him
Constantin Piliuta was born in 1929 in Botosani, north east Romania. Initially he wanted to become an actor, but after failing to get a place at the theatre school, he instead went to the Institute of Fine Arts in Bucharest (1945-9), studying under Alexander Ciucurencu. Among his friends were many actors, and he created stage sets for theatre productions. He also enjoyed a brief hippy period in the sixties.
His first show was in 1956 in Bucharest. He continued to take part in annual state exhibitions regularly, as well as international exhibitions of Romanian art in Moscow (1964), Delhi (1965), Budapest, Zagreb, Belgrade, Novi Sad (1966), Moscow (1969) and Warsaw (1970). He also had regular solo exhibitions between 1957 and 1967 at the Venice Biennales, and in Havana and Malmo.
Piliuta studied human types and attitudes and was regarded as an excellent book illustrator and theatre designer. He worked in a meticulous, almost calligraphic, manner, spending a long time on each drawing. He was awarded the Artists Union (UAP) Award in 1967, and the Ion Andreescu Prize of the Romanian Academy in 1974.
He painted stylized portraits of Ceausescu. Allegedly these were undertaken against his will: his wife claimed that canvas was bought for him and he was pressurized into painting. These portraits were not simply empty Socialist Realist propaganda, but Piliuta retained his own distinctive, almost naïve, style, thus humanizing Ceausescu (to the dictator’s great delight).
He also painted monumental works of art stretching across buildings, and frescoed portraits of Romanian kings and scholars, glorifying the nation’s heroic past which then became the basis for Ceausescu’s ‘apotheosis’.
He died in 2003. His pictures still sell well in Romania, but according to his wife, there are many forgeries among them.
줄스 르프랑(Jules Lefranc), 프랑스, 화가, 1887-1972
줄스 르프랑(Jules Lefranc), 프랑스, 화가, 1887-1972프랑스의 '줄스 르프랑'은 10대 때에 '모네'를 만난 적이 있었는데, 재능이 있으니 계속해서 그림을 그리라는 격려를 받았답니다. 그 후 독학으로
필립 말리아빈(Filipp Malyavin), 러시아, 화가, 1869-1940
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