프란츠 클라인(Franz Kline), 미국, 화가, 1910-1962
미국 펜실베이니아의 석탄 탄광촌에서 태어난 '프란츠 클라인'은, 흑백의 강렬한 붓질로 캔버스에 강한 생동감을 불어넣는 추상표현주의 화가입니다.
공업용 에나멜페인트를 커다란 붓에다 묻혀 빠르게 획을 그은 그의 작품은 탄광촌에서 자랐던 어린 시절의 기억일지도 모릅니다. 훗날 고향에서 보았던 풍경들, 석탄을 실어 나르는 증기기관차와 철로, 다리 등을 그리기도 했죠. 가난 때문에 뒤늦게 다녔던 고등학교에서는 야구선수로도 활동하면서 만화가의 꿈을 키웠습니다.
런던의 미술대학에서 공부하다가 모델로 왔던 발레리나를 만나 결혼했답니다. 뉴욕에 정착한 이후 쿠닝과 잭슨 폴락, 마스 로스코 등 추상화가들과 어울리면서 자신만의 스타일을 찾았죠.
"나는 검은 선을 칠하듯이 하얀 선도 칠한다. 하얀색도 검은색만큼 중요하다"라고 말한 흑백예술가 '프란츠 클라인'은 여백의 미를 강조하고 있습니다.
About Him
Franz Kline (American, 1910–1962) was a painter born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. He first studied art at Boston University from 1931 to 1935, and then in London at the Heatherley School of Art from 1937 to 1938, where he concentrated on illustration and drawing. Kline began his career as a painter in New York after leaving London, depicting urban landscapes and other subjects with a naturalistic technique. Influenced by Willem de Kooning, he turned towards abstraction in his work at the end of the 1940s. He later became a member of the New York School, a group of Abstract Expressionists who formed a circle in the 1940s and 1950s, including amongst others artists such as Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko or Robert Motherwell. Though he experimented with color throughout his career, Kline is best known for his paintings executed in black-and-white tones, as well as for his spontaneous, gestural style.
While his paintings often seemed to be the outcome of an intuitive, intense moment, they were carefully planned, as his sketches display. In the late 1950s Kline sought to further develop his style; after experimenting with more complex forms and moving away from the clear-cut, black-and-white paintings he was known for, he produced a series of large works he called “wall paintings” at the beginning of the 1960s. He also reintroduced color into his work, which he had already done to a more subtle degree in the mid-1950s. When Kline died at the age of 51 in 1962, his search for a new artistic language was still somewhat undecided. He is regarded, however, as one of the most inventive members of the Abstract Expressionist group, and exerted a great influence on the second generation of gestural painters. Kline received widespread international recognition following his participation in shows such as the documenta II and III in 1959 and 1964 in Kassel, Germany, and in the Venice Bienniale in 1960. His work is held in many museum collections, including those at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and at the Tate Collection in London.
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939
콘스탄틴 코로빈(Konstantin Korovin), 러시아 제국, 화가, 1861-1939'콘스탄틴 코로빈'은 러시아의 대표적인 인상주의 화가입니다. 부유한 집안의 가족 사업보다는 미술과 연극에 관심이 많았던 그는,
테오필 스타인렌(Théophile Alexandre Steinlen), 프랑스, 화가, 1859-1923
테오필 스타인렌(Théophile Alexandre Steinlen), 프랑스, 화가, 1859-1923스위스 출신의 예술가 '테오필 스타인렌'은, 프랑스에서 순수미술과 상업미술 분야에서 활동하며 큰 명성을 얻었습니다. 20대 초
브루노 릴리에포르스(Bruno Liljefors), 스웨덴, 화가, 1860-1939
브루노 릴리에포르스(Bruno Liljefors), 스웨덴, 화가, 1860-1939스웨덴의 '브루노 릴레포르스'는 자연과 동물을 모티브로 하여 극적인 상황을 그려내는 야생 동물화가입니다. 세심한 생태 관찰력과 섬
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