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박수근(朴壽根), 한국, 1914 - 1965 박수근(朴壽根), 한국, 1914 - 1965 1. 한국적 인간의 선함, 진실함을 그리다 한반도의 화가. 단순화된 선과 구도, 회백색의 화강암과 같은 질감으로 우리의 토속적인 미감과 정서를 담아낸 그림을 그렸다. 강원도 양구군 양구면(현 양구읍) 정림리 출생. 강원도 양구보통학교를 졸업한 후 강원도 인제군에서 독학으로 미술 공부를 하였다. 1932년 제11회 조선 미술 전람회에 입선함으로써 화단에 등장하였다. 해방 후 월남하여 1952년 제2회 국전에서 특선, 미술협회전람회에서 입상하였다. 1958년 이후 미국 월드 하우스 화랑·조선일보사 초대전·마닐라 국제전 등에 출품하는 등 국내외 미술전에 여러 차례 참가하였다. 1959년 제8회 국전 추천 작가가 되었고, 제11회 국전에서는 심사위원이 되었다. 그는.. 2023. 8. 19.
The Top 6 Wonder Locations, Tokyo's Autumn Leaf Viewing For your information, I'd like to introduce the following popular region as one of the lovely places to see the autumn leaves in Tokyo. 1. Hibiya Park During the Edo period (1603–1867), a large number of high-ranking feudal loads resided on the Hibiya Park property. The park was renovated and given the distinction of being Japan's first Westernized park. It debuted in 1903 as a modern city park .. 2023. 8. 19.
Pros and Cons of Hiring a Guide in South Korea Let it sink in South Korea is less than a tenth of the size of the United States. However, in this small East Asian peninsula, tradition and modernization coexist harmoniously amid a wealth of fascinating history. It is understandable why tourists travel to South Korea year-round given the KPop and KDrama influences that have stoked an enormous flame of curiosity around the world. It is crucial .. 2023. 8. 19.
The Top 6 Japanese Cuisines You Absolutely Must Try While in Japan As many of you are probably aware, Japan is renowned for its delectable and distinctive cuisine. But fish and rice are the first foods that come to mind when we think of Japanese cuisine. This blog post will provide you a more comprehensive understanding of Japanese culinary culture and instruct you on what to order as soon as you sit down at a restaurant. 1. Onigiri In Japan, this is the most w.. 2023. 8. 19.
The Top 8 Foods in Japan That You Must Eat As many of you are probably aware, Japan is renowned for its delectable and distinctive cuisine. But fish and rice are the first foods that come to mind when we think of Japanese cuisine. This blog post will provide you a more comprehensive understanding of Japanese culinary culture and instruct you on what to order as soon as you sit down at a restaurant. 1. Sashimi and sushi Let's start with t.. 2023. 8. 19.
이케노다이가(池大雅, Taiga), 일본, 1723-1776 이케노다이가(池大雅), 일본, 1723-1776 1. 일본식 문인화풍인 남화(南畵)의 전성기를 이끈 에도 시대 중엽의 화가. 18세기 중엽 에도 시대에 활약한 일본의 문인화가로, 중국 명청대(明淸代) 화풍에 일본적 화풍과 자신의 개성을 더해 독자적인 화풍으로 발전시켰으며, 이를 통해 일본식 남화(南畵)를 확립하고, 동시대 활약했던 요사 부손(与謝蕪村, 1716~1784)과 그 전성기를 이끌었다. ‘이케 노 타이가’(池の大雅), ‘이케 타이가’(池大雅) 등으로도 불리며 본명은 마타지로(又次郎)이다. 2. 생애와 경력 이케노 디이가는 1723년 교토의 농부 집안에서 태어났다. 어린 시절부터 서예와 중국 고전을 접했는데, 서체 표현에 일찍이 재능을 보였다고 전해지며, 이후에도 다수의 글씨를 남기며 서예가로서도.. 2023. 8. 19.
Adventure in Sa Pa, Vietnam & highlights 1. Mount Fansipan's summit In approximately 15 minutes, a 6 kilometer cable car ride will carry you 3,143m to Mount Fansipan's summit. Prior to completing the final few stairs to the summit, explore the pagoda complex. The 'Roof of Indochina' offers unparalleled vistas. 2. Visit Love-market, an ethnic minority market, during the weekend. Every Sunday, the Bac Ha market comes alive as hundreds of.. 2023. 8. 18.
Sarah King, Tofino, Canada, Illustrator and visual artist Sarah King, Tofino, Canada, Illustrator and visual artist 1. introduction made by her Hi! I'm an illustrator and visual artist by the name of Sarah King. I grew up in London, England, attended the University of Brighton to study graphic design, and now I reside in Tofino, British Columbia. My interests in graphic design, drawing, and language eventually came together while I was an undergraduate.. 2023. 8. 18.
5 spots in Seoul where you're most likely to see Korean celebrities We know that many of you are eager to book your flights as soon as possible and come to South Korea to take advantage of the cold climate and, more importantly, to catch Korean celebrities now that the Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) has been constructed. However, you should certainly conduct some research on potential locations before you go there in order to see your favorite Korean celebs. Despi.. 2023. 8. 16.