반응형 분류 전체보기1599 제이슨 디케리스 테일러(Jason deCaires Taylor MRSS), 영국 1974 제이슨 디케리스 테일러(Jason deCaires Taylor MRSS), 영국 1974 1974년, 영국인 아버지와 가이아나인 어머니 사이에서 태어난 Jason deCaires Taylor MRSS는 조각가, 환경운동가, 전문 수중 사진작가이다. 1998년 London Institute of Arts에서 조각 부문 BA Honors를 취득했다.. Taylor는 Land art 운동의 개념을 해양 환경의 영역으로 전환한 최초의 신세대 예술가가 되었다. 그의 영구적인 장소 특정 조각 작품은 수중 및 조수 해양 환경에서 주로 전시되며, 보존 및 환경 운동이라는 현대적인 주제를 탐구한다. 지난 17년 동안 Taylor는 수중 영역을 공공 예술 공간으로 처음 고려한 사람 중 한 명이며 수많은 대규모 수중 "박물.. 2023. 8. 6. 라자르 세갈(Lasar Segall), 브라질 1891-1957 라자르 세갈(Lasar Segall), 브라질, 1891-1957 리투아니아 태생의 브라질 화가. 베를린과 드레스덴에서 미술 공부를 하였으며 표현주의 경향을 보여주는 유럽의 초기 모더니스트 중 한 사람이다. 1923년 브라질로 와서 브라질 모더니즘 운동에 생기를 불어넣으며 차세대 작가들에게 많은 영향을 주었다. 1891년 리투아니아(당시 제정러시아의 지배를 받음)의 수도 빌뉴스(Vilnius)의 유대인 공동체에서 태어났다. 1906년 베를린에 있는 왕립 프러시안 미술대학(The Royal Prussian College of Fine Arts)에 다녔지만 학교 교육에 실망한 그는 1910년 드레스덴에서 정통 유대주의와 큐비즘적 시각을 결합시킨 자신의 스타일을 만들어 나가기 시작하였다. 1912년 브라질 상.. 2023. 8. 6. Overcoming Limiting Mindsets in The Psychology of Money Ahard subject is money. It provides security and enjoyment for some people while causing worry and anxiety for others. It's important to look into any psychological obstacles that can prevent you from making the most of your financial resources, whether you're a spender or a saver. Here are a few typical attitude roadblocks that can thwart your financial goals, along with advice on how to get th.. 2023. 8. 2. Challenges and Solutions for Millennials' Personal Finance One of the most crucial abilities that all millennials and everyone else should have is personal finance. Despite being a vital component of life, it is regrettably not a talent that is taught to us in schools. Millennials are confronting a unique combination of financial issues that are distinct from those experienced by earlier generations, therefore the lack of financial education has become .. 2023. 8. 1. A Guide for Job Seekers on Salary and Benefit Negotiations For many job searchers, negotiating your wage can be a frightening experience. Many people are reluctant to negotiate for greater benefits or a higher wage out of concern that it would hurt their prospects of landing the job. However, pay negotiating is a crucial step in the job search process and can have a positive long-term financial impact. We'll talk about how to successfully negotiate your.. 2023. 8. 1. How to Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half: Shopping and Meal Planning For the majority of individuals, the price of food is one of their largest outlays, but there are numerous strategies to reduce your grocery spend. You can ensure you're getting the best value for your money by using some shrewd purchasing tactics and meal-planning methods. The following 28 suggestions will help you reduce your grocery bill: 1. Shopper Advice 1) Buy in quantity: Over time, buyin.. 2023. 8. 1. How to Prioritize Saving, Investing, and Paying Down Debt: Balancing Your Financial Goals Keeping track of your funds can be difficult, especially if you have several objectives to pursue. However, if you want to have a secure future, it is critical to maintain control over your resources. You might wonder how to balance your financial objectives, such as giving priority to saving, investing, and paying off debt. In this blog post, we will go over several actions you may take to prop.. 2023. 8. 1. Understanding Your Paycheck: Tax Deductions, Withholdings, and More One of the most significant components of working is getting paid, and understanding your paycheck is a vital part of managing your finances. However, the information on a paycheck can be confusing and overwhelming for many people. This tutorial is intended to help you comprehend the many components of your paycheck, such as tax withholdings and deductions. 1. Tax Withholdings Tax withholdings a.. 2023. 8. 1. Tips for Assisting Your Aging Parents with Financial Management As your parents get older, they may have trouble managing their financial and family matters. Both the parents and their adult children may find this a tough transition. You may, however, assist your aging parents in navigating these problems with some direction and assistance. Here are 24 suggestions for assisting your elderly parents with their finances and family planning. 1. Finances 1) Open.. 2023. 7. 31. 이전 1 ··· 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 ··· 178 다음 반응형