앨리슨 프렌드(Alison Friend), 영국, 삽화가, 1973-현재
Nottingham Trent University에서 미술 및 판화 학위를 취득. 현재까지 20권이 넘는 책을 출판한 뛰어난 어린이 삽화가.
About Her
A graduate of Nottingham Trent University with a degree in Fine Art and Printmaking. Alison was also the first female stonemason for the City of Nottingham. An accomplished children’s illustrator of over 20 published books to date — with notable publishers such as Harper Collins, Nosy Crow, Hodder Children’s, Templar, Usbourne, Little Tiger Press and most recently Alfred Knopf.
A British realist with a modernist vision. Her paintings are inspired by nature and her cheeky sense of humour. Dreamy delicate brush strokes abound every canvas where she captures the secret lives of animals. Every character comes to life on canvas whether having a lolly or a gin. She wants the viewer to participate in the creative process as she says “I start off with an idea for a character. I have lots in my head. It’s like a waiting room until it’s their time to come out! As strong as an idea for a character is, they do take on a life of their own. That’s what I love. I get to know them as the painting progresses.
I keep the beginnings of a painting very loose and – a few brush marks can create a particularly funny expression and all of a sudden there they are!
I really focus on those glances our pets give us. We think of them as having human emotions and I try to capture that. It’s how we connect with the animals in our lives. Hopefully I bring just enough to the work for the viewer to create their own story for the subject. I want the viewer to be part of the creative process”.
Alison’s original paintings are sold to collectors worldwide. She has exhibited her work through galleries in London, Scotland, Walsall. A list of upcoming exhibits include the British Art Fair at Saatchi Gallery, Context Miami, Hashimoto Contemporary, LA.
크리스토프 자크로(Christophe Jacrot), 프랑스, 사진가, 1960-현재
크리스토프 자크로(Christophe Jacrot), 프랑스, 사진가, 1960-현재 프랑스 파리에 살고 있는 '크리스토프 자크로'는, 젊은 시절 단편영화를 제작하며 주목을 받았으나 지금은 사진작가로 활동하고 있
사이토 기요시(Saito Kiyoshi), 일본, 예술가, 1907-1997
사이토 기요시(Saito Kiyoshi), 일본, 예술가, 1907-1997 후쿠시마에서 태어나고 홋카이도의 광산마을에서 살았던, '사이토 키요시 斎藤 清'는 20세기 중반의 창작판화 예술가입니다. 간판을 그리기도
나가이 히로(永井博), 일본, 그래픽 디자이너, 일러스트레이터, 1947년-현재
나가이 히로(永井博), 일본, 그래픽 디자이너, 일러스트레이터, 1947년-현재 아이폰의 wallpaper로 익숙한 작가. 일본의 그래픽 디자이너이자 일러스트레이터이지만 가장 미국적인 것으로 유명하다.
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