에리크 베렌시올(Eric Werenskiold), 노르웨이, 화가, 1855-1938
19세기 후반 무렵, 노르웨이의 대부분 예술가들은 유럽 전역에서 급성장하던 새로운 스타일을 받아들이고 있었습니다. 지역적으로 가까운 독일과 덴마크의 문화가 노르웨이로 많이 흘러들어왔죠.
'에릭 베렌스키올드'도 뮌헨으로 유학을 가서 새로운 문화적 혁명을 경험했지만, 그림만큼은 노르웨이의 자연주의 스타일을 고집했습니다.
자신의 조국을 활기차고 생동감 넘치는 방식으로 묘사하는 작품을 그렸죠. 그는, 19세기말 아직 산업화의 영향을 받지 않은 노르웨이의 시골 풍경과 농촌 아이들의 모습을 잘 묘사한 작가입니다.
북유럽 신화를 소재로 한 삽화도 많이 그렸으며, 20세기에 들어와서는 후기인상파의 영향을 받아 조금은 추상적인 풍경을 그리기도 했답니다.
About Him
Erik Werenskiold was a Norwegian painter and draftsman known for his naturalistic and nationally oriented paintings of folk life in the 1880s. He is also known for the illustrations for Norwegian folk tales by Asbjørnsen and Moe and for Snorre's royal sagas. In 1905 he changed his style to a formally simplified and decorative style inspired by Paul Cézanne. Werenskiold was born in Eidskog and grew up in Kongsvinger.
He first studied under Julius Middelthun at the Art School in 1873 and later under Wilhelm Lindenschmit in Munich from 1876 to 1877. Werenskiold became convinced of the superiority of French plein air painting after seeing an exhibition by Charles François Daubigny in Munich in 1879. This led to the colors i Werenskiold's pictures became brighter, and he began to move towards naturalism. Werenskiold traveled to Paris in 1881 to study French naturalistic art more closely and traveled there annually until 1885. Werenskiold spent time in Norway, especially in Telemark, when he was not in Paris. It was here that he created his modern, realistic paintings of folk life and depicted children and people in the open air.
He was seen as an innovator of national painting through his depictions of Norwegian folk types and nature in Telemark. Werenskiold was also a skilled portrait painter and painted many characteristic portraits of famous Norwegians, including Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Edvard Grieg and Henrik Ibsen. Werenskiold was one of the most significant Norwegian artists of his time and has had a great influence on Norwegian art.
비비언 마이어(Vivian Maier), 미국, 사진가, 1926-2009
비비언 마이어(Vivian Maier), 미국, 사진가, 1926-2009미국 시카고에서 40년 넘게 보모와 가정부로 일했던 '비비언 마이어'는, 무명의 사진작가였습니다. 약 15만 장의 사진을 찍었지만 한 번도 발표한
에두아르 코르테스(Edouard Léon Cortès), 프랑스, 화가, 1882-1969
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조세프 코테(Josef Kote), 알바니아, 화가, 1964-현재
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'생활 > 예술' 카테고리의 다른 글
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