클로드 프랜시스 배리(Claude Francis Barry), 영국, 화가, 1884-1970
영국의 '클로드 프랜시스 배리' 경은 수수께끼 같은 예술가이며, 살아있을 땐 잘 알려지지 않았던 화가이자 판화가입니다.
밝고 대비되는 몇 가지 보색의 색상을 이용해 은유적인 풍경화를 그렸으며, 점묘법 스타일로 팝아트 스타일의 에칭 작업을 하기도 했습니다.
부유한 가정에서 태어났으나 새어머니에게 버림받아 그의 삶은 방황과 슬픔으로 얼룩졌답니다. 오랜 기간 동안 유럽 전역을 널리 여행하며, 주로 건축물을 주제로 한 작품을 많이 제작했습니다.
한때 에칭작업에 전념하여 많은 작품을 만들었으나, 1944년 밀라노 폭격 때에 대부분의 작품이 파괴되고 말았죠.
나이 들어서는 아버지의 남작 지위도 물려받고, 영국 남쪽의 작은 섬 저지에서 살며, 전시회도 열었지만 섬 주민들은 그의 작품에 별 관심이 없었기에 점차 잊히고 말았답니다.
About Him
‘Over seven decades of active work Barry’s art never became static or stale. His style evolved constantly, from the early narrative oils through the energetic Vorticist works, from the elegant etchings to the vibrant Pointillist canvases, from the chromatic landscapes to the elemental simplicity of his final works’ (K. Campbell, Moon Behind Clouds: An Introduction to the life and work of Sir Claude Francis Barry, Jersey, 1999, p. 32). Most famed for his wartime searchlight pictures, Barry created a remarkably varied body of work, which although differing in style and theme over the years, always remains imbued with an individual poetic vision.
He was a gifted painter and a proficient etcher, having trained under Sir Frank Brangwyn, which encouraged a unique tonality and emphasis on composition and structure in his paintings. Travel was of great importance to Barry, who toured Italy with his tutor after leaving Harrow school and later moved around Europe in the 1920s and 1930s, before returning to St Ives in 1939, later settling in Jersey. This European influence can be seen in Barry’s bold use of colour, inspired by Matisse, as well as his interest in, and proficiency with, European painting styles such as Fauvism, Vorticism and Pointillism.
Barry is somewhat of an enigma and the facts of his life are tinged with uncertainty; much of what we do know has been pieced together from documents found in an old suitcase on his death. Born into a wealthy, industrial family Barry was a reclusive figure, who was known for being as equally foul-tempered as he was wickedly witty. Having lost his mother at a young age and ostracised by his new stepmother, his life was marred with a sense of sadness. A feeling of loss and alienation is felt in some of Barry’s most poignant works, where vast nocturne skies dwarf the unseen solitary figure watching them, as seen in his evocative Wartime paintings of searchlights across London.
Defying his parents’ wishes to become a painter, Barry moved to Newlyn to be tutored by Alfred East, a fashionable landscape painter and an Associate of the Royal Academy. Here he joined the Newlyn School of Painting and worked alongside the Newlyn School greats, such as Henry Scott Tuke, Norman Garstin and Stanhope Forbes, combining the Impressionist interest in light with a Victorian interest in realism. Although shunned by his family, Barry was embraced by the artistic community and by the age of 23 was exhibiting at the Royal Academy, and later the Royal Society of British Artists, Royal Society of Scottish Artists and the Salon des Artistes in Paris.
In 1908 Barry moved to St Ives with his new wife Doris Hume-Spry and joined artists Laura Knight, Augustus John and Alfred Munnings, who had all settled there. Here Barry became an active member of the St Ives Club, later becoming club treasurer, and learnt to paint with a looser, more individual style. With the outbreak of the First World War in 1914, much of the artistic community of St Ives was disbanded, with many of the artists being called away for military service. Barry was not amongst them and instead was drafted in to do agricultural labour to support the production of supplies for troops at the front.
Some state that this was due to his pacifist standing, while others believe he may have received exemption, due to prior mental health issues. Whatever the case Barry was in the prime location to record the war at home, creating some of the most striking and moving documentations of the fears civilians faced on a daily basis. His most celebrated works are those he painted during the First and Second World Wars, with his depictions of the air strikes over London being some of his most powerful paintings.
캐롤 카터(Carol Carter), 미국, 수채화가, 1955-현재
캐롤 카터(Carol Carter), 미국, 수채화가, 1955-현재'캐롤 카터'는 미국의 수채화가입니다. 꽃과 동물, 곤충, 수영하는 사람들, 부처님과 스님, 등불을 많이 그렸습니다. 동양화에서 먹이 번지는 것처
칼 가줌(Kal Gajoum), 리비아, 화가, 1968-현재
칼 가줌(Kal Gajoum), 리비아, 화가, 1968-현재리비아 트리폴리에서 태어나 캐나다에서 활동. Kal Gajoum은 캐나다에서 가장 성공하고 사랑받는 예술가 중 한 명이다. 즉시 알아볼 수 있는 그의 유성 페
한의종, 한국, 나무젓가락 화가, 현재
한의종, 한국, 나무젓가락 화가, 현재버려지는 나무젓가락과 골판지, 송판지 등을 이용해 제주 해녀의 질박하며 끈질긴 생명력을 표현하다. 인생 후반부 자신의 삶의 멘토로 설정한 제주 해녀
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