코미디 야생동물 사진 공모전 베스트
매년 개최되는 코미디 야생동물 공모전(Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards) 입상작들이 정해지면 항상 여기에 올렸었는데요, 벌써 10년이 되었네요. 그동안 정말 재밌는 동물 사진들을 많이 봤었습니다. 오늘은 그 중에서 가장 기억에 남는 입상작들을 모아서 올려봅니다. 대부분 제가 올렸던 작품들이라 기억하고 있는 사진들이 있으실 듯 합니다. 오늘도 한 번 더 웃는 하루 되세요.
About Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
We are delighted to reveal that the OVERALL WINNER of the Comedy Wildlife Awards 2023 is Jason Moore, with his excellent capture of a kangaroo entitled ‘Air Guitar Roo.’ This stunning pic also won the Creatures of the Land category.
As well as being a wonderful shot, Jason's image encapsulates all that is Comedy Wildlfe and was a very, very popular entry. As our 2023 champion, Jason wins a wonderful top notch Kenyan Safari courtesy of Alex Walker's Serian plus a fabulous cameral bag from ThinkTank and a unique handmade trophy.
Other Category Winners: Vittorio Ricci won the Creatures of the Air Award for his striated heron ironically falling out of the sky and into the water, called ‘Unexpected Plunge’ and Otter Kwek topped the Under Water Category with his charming Ballerina Otter; Timea Ambrus won the Portfolio Award with a collection of 4 images showing the antics of a ground squirrel; the Video Award went to Lily Bernau for her brilliant film of a penguin called ‘Too Cold' And Young photographer Jacek Stankiewicz with his image of two greenfinches called ‘Dispute’ won the Junior Award, and incredibly also triumphed in the Affinity Photo People’s Choice Award, a first for the competition. An amazing achievement!
In addition to the Category Winners, there were 10 entries that were recognised as Highly Commended Winners: Tzahi Finkelstein, John Blumenkamp, Zoe Ashdown, Brian Matthews, Lara Matthews, Delphine Casimir, Pratick Mondal, Wendy Kaveney, Jacques Poulard and Dakota Vaccaro. Check out all the Winners here
Congratulations to all our Winners, Finalists and all those who took part, we've had a fantaastic year and can't wait to do it all again in 2024! We will be open for new entries in March, so keep those funny pics safe until then!
Born from a passion for wildlife, and decades of experience living & working in East Africa, Comedy Wildlife began its life modestly in 2015 as a photographic competition. Since then, steered by its founders, Paul Joynson-Hicks MBE and Tom Sullam, it has grown into a globally renowned competition seen by millions of people every year, with sustainability at its heart and behind all its aims.
The free competition, open to wildlife photography novices, amateurs and professionals, celebrates the hilarity of our natural world and highlights what we need to do to protect it. From a surprised otter to a swearing turtle, Comedy Wildlife’s photographs transcend cultures and ages to bring a smile to everyone’s face.
You can find out more about our competition, our mission and our conservation efforts on our website.
Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards :: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards - Conservation through Competition
Welcome to the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards WINNERS ANNOUNCED! We are delighted to reveal that the OVERALL WINNER of the Comedy Wildlife Awards 2023 is Jason Moore, with his excellent capture of a kangaroo entitled ‘Air Guitar Roo.’ This stunn
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엘케 보겔상(Elke Vogelsang), 독일, 사진작가, 1972-현재, 반려동물의 다양한 표정들 개를 키워본 경험이 있는 분들은 그들의 미묘한 표정 변화를 잘 알고 계시리라 생각합니다. 사람처럼 눈빛만 가지
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