레너드 코언(Leonard Cohen), 캐나다, 싱어송라이터, 1934~2016
'밥 딜런'과 함께 음유시인의 양대산맥을 이룬 가수입니다. 그래미상은 물론, 뛰어난 가사로 문학상도 많이 받은 초저음 가수이자, 시인, 소설가, 영화배우이며, 화가이기도 합니다
그리스 구전민요를 노래한 "Dance me to the End of Love"와 함께, 그가 직접 그린 자화상 등을 감상해 보세요.
노랫말에 'Burning Violin'이라는 단어가 나오는데, 이 '불타는 Burning 바이올린'이 한국에선 "벙어리 바이올린"이 되었답니다.
About Him
Leonard Norman Cohen was a Canadian singer-songwriter, poet and novelist. Cohen published his first book of poetry in Montreal in 1956 and his first novel in 1963.
Cohen's earliest songs (many of which appeared on the 1968 album Songs of Leonard Cohen) were rooted in European folk music melodies and instrumentation, sung in a high baritone. The 1970s were a musically restless period in which his influences broadened to encompass pop, cabaret, and world music. Since the 1980s he has typically sung in lower registers (bass baritone, sometimes bass), with accompaniment from electronic synthesizers and female backing singers.
His work often explores the themes of religion, isolation, sexuality, and complex interpersonal relationships.
Cohen's songs and poetry have influenced many other singer-songwriters, and more than a thousand renditions of his work have been recorded. He has been inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame and the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame and is also a Companion of the Order of Canada, the nation's highest civilian honour. Cohen was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on March 10, 2008 for his status among the "highest and most influential echelon of songwriters".
아실 로지(Achille Lauge), 프랑스, 화가, 1861-1944
아실 로지(Achille Lauge), 프랑스, 화가, 1861-1944점을 찍어서 목가적인 프랑스의 시골 풍경을 표현한 '아실 로지'는 신인상주의 화가입니다. 파리에 있으면서 점묘파 화가, '쇠라' 등의 영향을 받았으
판위량(Pan Yuliang), 중국, 서양화가, 1895-1977
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