야니스 로젠탈스(Janis Rozentals), 라트비아, 화가, 1866-1916
라트비아에서 대장장이의 아들로 태어난 '야니스 로젠탈스'는 인상주의와 장식적인 아르누보 스타일 등 다양한 범위에서 작품활동을 했습니다.
그의 풍경화에는 조국의 서정적인 이미지가 느껴지고, 여러 인물을 그린 초상화에도 민족적 정서를 담았습니다.
러시아의 지배를 받던 시절 상트 페테르스부르크에서 공부하고 돌아와 라트비아의 독창적인 예술정신을 표현한 '로젠탈스'는, 자신과 국가가 무척 어려운 시기였음에도 조국의 문화를 굳게 지킨 예술가입니다.
콘서트장에서 만나 첫눈에 반해버린 핀란드 가수와 불과 며칠 만에 약혼을 했고, 로젠탈스는 결혼식 초대장도 직접 그렸답니다.
About Him
Janis Rozentāls was born near Saldus on March 18, 1866. His father was a farmer. His parents could not afford to educate their five children, so Janis first attended a private school in Saldus and then spent six months at the Kuldīga District School. At the age of 14, the boy moved to Rīga to find work and earn a living. He became a painter and was also a fan of art and the theatre. Janis Rozentāls sang in the choir of the Rīga Latvian Theatre, where he met many friends and contemporaries.
1888 was a key year in Janis Rozentāls’ life. He attended drawing classes at the Riga (German) Trade school, and at an art fair in St Petersburg, one of his drawings received the silver medal. That same autumn, he was admitted to the Painting Department of the St Petersburg Academy of Art. There he studied academic painting that was rooted in the traditions of Classicism, but later, as the teaching staff changed, he focused more on art that was based in the principles of realism. Realism is seen in his diploma painting, “From Church” (No baznīcas, 1894), for which the young artist received a first-level degree as an artist.
Many talented young Latvians studied at the academy and other art schools in St Petersburg in the late 19th century, and they would become the fathers of professional fine arts in Latvia ˗ Rozentāls, as well as Vilhelms Purvītis, Johans Valters, Ādams Alksnis, Rihards Zariņš, Gustavs Šķilters, and many others. In 1891, they established a group of Latvian artists called “Rūķis” (Gnome) and it was of great importance in Latvian art. They organised organised thematic evenings, dreamed about the future of Latvian art, discussed new aspects of artists’ lives in St Petersburg, and critiqued each other’s work.
Of importance was Janis Rozentāls’ focus on art in Western Europe. His first foreign trip in 1897 led him to an exhibition of industry and art in Scandinavia, and there he saw artworks from the Nordic countries and other countries. In 1898, in turn, an instructor at the St Petersburg Academy of Art, painter Arkhip Kuindzhi, paid for Rozentāls and other students at his master workshop to spend a month travelling around Western Europe. In future years, Rozentāls often travelled to Finland, France and Italy. The impressions that he got from his travels appeared in Rozentāls’ paintings. He wrote articles about important aspects of Finnish and Western European art for the magazine “Vērotājs” (Observer).
In 1899, Rozentāls returned to Latvia from St Petersburg, first settling in his native Saldus, where he bought a plot of land and built a studio for himself. Still, the provincial nature of the region and problems with money forced Rozentāls to move once again to Rīga in late 1901. He found a home at Kalnciems Street 39, where his friends, the Baltic German painters Bernhardt and Eva Borchert were living.
Late in 1902, Finnish singer Elli Forssell arrived in Rīga during a concert tour. Janis Rozentāls attended one of the two concerts that she presented, and afterward, the Grosvalds family invited him to a reception in honour of the vocalist. This was a fateful meeting. On March 5, 1903, Janis Rozentāls and Elli Forssell were married in Helsinki. They had three children ˗ Laila Gedde (1903˗1977), Irja Ausma (1906˗1984), and Maris Miķelis (1907˗1952). Elli was the ideal woman for her husband in life and in art. Rozentāls depicted her as Eve and as Mary Magdalene at the foot of the cross. Most often, however, Elli Rozentāls appeared as a Madonna, a gentle and motherly woman with a child in her arms: “Mother and Child” (Māte un bērns, 1904) and “Under the Rowan Tree” (Zem pīlādža, 1905).
The Rozentāls family spent summers at the Forssell family’s summer home in Finland. There Janis Rozentāls met many Finnish cultural workers and artists, and impressions from Finland continued to be important in his creative work.
The foundation for Janis Rozentāls’ work was academic and realist painting that he learned in St Petersburg, but over the course of time, his style changed. Rozentāls was influenced by Impressionism and, later, Art Nouveau and Symbolism. Well-known paintings from the late 19th and early 20th century include “In the Artist’s Studio” (Mākslinieka darbnīcā, 1896), “Jubilant Children” (Gavilējošie bērni,1901), etc. Art Nouveau and Symbolism appeared in “Death” (Nāve, 1897), “Princess with a Monkey” (Princese ar pērtiķi, 1913), and others. In 1910, Rozentāls designed a decorative fresco for the front façade of the Rīga Latvian Society Building, depicting mythological Latvian characters, as well as allegories which symbolised the physical, spiritual and moral values of humankind.
Rozentāls most often painted portraits. He painted cultural workers, friends and family members, and he often worked on commission. Rozentāls also painted images of everyday life and of religion.
World War I brought the Rozentāls family to Finland, where they settled on an island. Janis Rozentāls suddenly died on December 26, 1916. The artist was initially buried in Helsinki, but in 1920, when the family returned to Rīga, his remains were reburied at the 2nd Forest Cemetery.
페이스 링골드 (Faith Ringgold), 미국, 화가, 1930-2024
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