조 그런디(Jo Grundy), 영국, 화가, 현재
버크셔의 시골 농장에서 나고 자란 '조 그런디'는 어린 시절부터 영국의 자연과 풍경에 흠뻑 빠졌답니다. 그래픽 디자인을 공부하고, 관련 분야에서 일했지만, 아이를 낳고 키우면서 잠시 붓을 놓아야만 했죠.
두 아이가 다 자란 지금은 자연에서 영감을 받고 상상력을 발전시켜 화려한 색상의 작품들을 다양하게 만들어내고 있답니다. 그녀는 작품의 질감을 살리기 위해서 특별한 물감과 종이 외에 나무 유리 바느질 단추 털실 등 다양한 재료들을 사용하고 있죠.
주로 온라인으로 판매되는 그녀의 그림은 인사말 카드와 캘린더 장식용 액자 등으로 완성된 작품들이 인기가 많답니다.
About Her
I was born and brought up on a farm in West Berkshire and this has given me a love of nature and the English landscape which I hope I convey in my stylised, whimsical paintings.
I have always been creative and it was inevitable that I would choose a career based around art so I trained as a graphic designer which was an easier option to earn a living from, at that time, than a fine artist. I worked in Graphics for around 14 years and this has definitely influenced my use of colour and composition.
After taking time out to have my two children, I initially created homemade greetings cards but as this brought in only a small income, I started to work on developing my painting style. To begin with, all my paintings were in mixed media and I used everything from paint and paper to stitching and beads to create highly textured and ornate pieces. I have now worked as a full-time artist for around 10 years and have been exploring my style with mainly acrylics although more recently I have gone back to my mixed media roots. I use a specific brand of paint called Jo Sonja by Chroma which is a decorative paint system designed for use on a variety of surfaces including wood and glass but also works extremely well on paper and canvas. It comes in a beautiful range of colours and helps to give my work its distinctive colour palette. I love to work from my imagination and like to let my paintings evolve. I use a variety of mark-making equipment to add form and texture to my landscapes.
My main inspiration comes from the ever-changing seasons of the English landscape with my favourite season being winter as I love to see the structure and detail of trees and hedgerows. My winter scenes are very popular with many selling before they are even finished.
I have been selling my work, mainly online for over 10 years, and have many of my images licensed for greeting cards, prints, calendars, and cross-stitch kits. I never initially thought about licensing but it is a direction that found me and it's lovely to see my work as cards and other products and who knows where it will lead!
에밀 클라우스(Emile Claus), 벨기에, 화가, 1849-1924
에밀 클라우스(Emile Claus), 벨기에, 화가, 1849-1924벨기에의 시골 마을에서 13남매 중 12번째 아이로 태어난 '에밀 클라우스'의 아버지는, 아들을 제빵사로 키우려고 프랑스 유학도 보냈지만 아들은
헬렌 브래들리(Helen Bradley), 영국, 화가, 1900-1979
헬렌 브래들리(Helen Bradley), 영국, 화가, 1900-1979영국의 '헬렌 브래들리' 할머니는 65세가 되어서야 그림을 시작했답니다. 그림을 그린 동기는 손자손녀들에게 자신이 자랐던 어린 시절의 세상 모
메랍 아브라미슈빌리(Merab Abramishvili), 조지아, 화가, 1957-2006
메랍 아브라미슈빌리(Merab Abramishvili), 조지아, 화가, 1957-2006'메랍 아브라미슈빌리'는 조지아(옛 그루지아)의 현대미술 화가입니다. 미술사학자인 아버지의 영향으로 자주 접한 조지아 중세 벽화
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