코간 겐게이(Kogan Gengei, 弘巌 玄猊), 일본, 화가, 1748-1821
일본 에도시대의 승려화가, '코간 겐게이 弘巌 玄猊'.
9살 때 고향의 절에서 승려가 된 후, 17살 때는 더 많은 가르침을 찾기 위해 여러 사찰로 여행을 떠났습니다. 그가 추구했던 핵심은 '선 禪 Zen', 즉 '명상'입니다. 여행 중에 선화(禪画)의 스승을 만났고, 기발한 붓터치와 유머러스한 작품들을 많이 그렸습니다.
그의 대표작 "자루 안의 부처 (웃는 호테이)" 역시 매우 독창적인 구성입니다.
About Him
Kogan Gengei was a prolific Zen artist, whose paintings often show a whimsical touch and contain humorous, original compositions.
Kogan was born on April 27, 1748. At the age of nine, he took vows at Kanko-ji temple in his home province. When he was seventeen, he traveled to many temples in search of further Zen teachings, and it was on this journey that he met the great Zen master Hakuin.
Kogan studied under Hakuin at his temple for several years. When Kogan first arrived, Hakuin was over eighty years old, and so Kogan also worked with a number of Hakuin’s direct disciples. Kogan received his certificate of the transmission of the law from Sokai.
On New Year’s day in 1785, at the age of thirty-seven, Kogan became the 21st abbot of Kogen-ji in Tamba.
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