오딜롱 르동(Odilon Redon), 프랑스, 화가, 1840-1916
프랑스의 상징주의 화가 '오딜롱 르동'은 거의 흑백의 그림만을 그리다가, 결혼을 한 후에는 자연 속의 작은 아름다움을 찾아 꽃과 나비를 화려하게 많이 그렸습니다.
'르동'의 나비는 어디에도 얽매이지 않고 자유롭게 날고 있습니다. 나비는 계절의 전령이며, 연인들의 사랑이고, 지상에서 영원으로 올라가는 영혼이죠. 그가 나비를 많이 그린 건, 자신을 나비와 동일시하여 자신의 참 존재를 보려고 한 것으로 해석됩니다.
'르동'이 그린 "나비의 꿈" 작품에는, '끔 속에서 내가 나비가 되어 훨훨 날아다녔다'라고 하는, 2000년 전 송나라 철학자 '장자'의 "호접몽(胡蜨夢)"의 환상이 담겨있는 듯합니다.
About Him
Redon is one of the most important and original of all the Symbolist artists. His visionary works concern the world of dreams, fantasy, and the imagination. He first became famous for his noirs series, monochromatic compositions that exploit the expressive and suggestive powers of the color black. His lithographs, which often reworked earlier drawings, became a means to broaden his audience, as well as to explore in series specific themes or literary texts - he was particularly drawn to the Romantic and Symbolist works of Poe, Flaubert, and Mallarmé. Later, Redon began to slowly adopt a more colorful palette, so that his pastels and oil paintings are riotous with color, consisting largely of portraits and floral still lifes. His encounter with the Nabis introduced him to a more decorative aesthetic, and his late works incorporate Japonism as well as an attention to flat, abstract patterns, and decorative ensembles. Redon would have an enormous impact on the art of his contemporaries, such as Paul Gauguin, as well as later modern artists like Marcel Duchamp. His lithographs and noirs in particular were admired by the Symbolist writers of the day but also by later Surrealists for their often bizarre and fantastical subjects, many of which combine scientific observation and visionary imagination.
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